From the critically acclaimed author of We Are the Ants and At the Edge of the Universe comes a mind-bending, riveting novel about a teen who was born to a virgin mother and...
A Green Ember story set during Heather and Picket's arrival at Cloud Mountain, The Last Archer follows the journey of Jo Shanks. Jo is a gifted archer with a burden on his back...
Beatrix Potter (1866 - 1943) was an English writer, illustrator, natural scientist and conservationist. Her Children's stories are loved all around the world. Born into an...
A melodramatic folksy Christmas story, a little like Dickens - with a Tiny Tim, but also with some romance. Tarkington's writings are very much set in his early 1900s American...
Doctor Trotter knows everything there is to know about pigs. He is, after all, the founder of that famous online resource, Pigipedia. So when he shares his own experiences of...
This is a folk tale of how the first tree came into being. It tells of a hero Winfried with his young companion stepping boldly into the pagan right of the passing into winter. He...
After the funeral of Archer, a classmate she hardly knew, popular but lonely Hadley Jamison is approached by a man who claims to be Death. He offers her a chance to go back in...
In Bailee Madison and Stefne Miller’s novel, Losing Brave, seventeen-year-old Payton Brave is desperate to uncover what happened to her twin sister, who disappeared one year...
Ole and Kristen worked for a lord who was both rich and good. Every year, for Christmas, together with his wife, he welcomed all the poor children of the area to the castle and...
The princess’s hand in marriage was promised to the man who could accomplish the most incredible thing. He would also receive half of the Kingdom. All the young men, and the...