In this short but poignant tale, Mazo de la Roche tells the story of a small boy from an orphan home who has come to work for two sisters—Mrs Morton and Lydia Dove—who...
When a teenage hacker goes on a school trip, she loses her luggage and is left alone at the airport. Will she manage to enjoy her visit to Rome, when her luggage is nowhere...
One of AudioFile’s Best Audiobooks of 2019!“Adorable, joyous.” —BuzzFeed “I’m head-over-heels for this charming, funny, romantic,...
He begins trembling violently, turning this way and that, knowing he cannot find the truck, knowing that if he did it would not make any difference, it would not stop the ground...
It is a short story about an Italian girl, her granny and an old piece of paper....
Once again the Old Gray Goose delivers a collection of funny, heartwarming tales perfected over six decades of campfires and thousands of enthusiastic young campers as part of his...
Nineteen-year-old Myla Lewis is loving life--she’s now a wife, mother, and Queen of the Thrax. Oh yeah, and being a super-powerful demigoddess who moves souls into Heaven or...
The Beech Bank Girls are back! Teenage friends Chloe, Willow, Annie, Rachel, Holly and Amber become absorbed in a diary from the First World War, and discover that the choices...
The second in the Beech Bank Girls series. Not long after Chloe's surprise birthday party (Beech Bank Girls, Every Girl Has A Story), the Beech Bank Girls are back. Holly is in...
'A SPELLBINDING STORY, STEEPED IN MAGIC. I ADORED IT' - Abi Elphinstone, author of Sky Song Three sisters trapped by an ancient curse. Three magical objects with the...