In Obsession, John Douglas once again takes us fascinatingly behind the scenes, focusing his expertise on predatory crimes, primarily against women. With a deep sense of...
In Cara Robertson’s “enthralling new book,” The Trial of Lizzie Borden “the reader is to serve as judge and jury” (The New York Times). Based on...
A Simon & Schuster audiobook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every listener.
An entertaining, deeply informative explanation of how high-level financial crimes work, written by an industry insider who’s an expert in the field.The way most...
Fatal Vision is the electrifying true story of Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, the handsome, Princeton-educated physician convicted of savagely slaying his young pregnant wife and two...
"A beguiling foray into the wacky yet somehow ever-fascinating realm of death fraud." — Maria Konnikova, New York Times bestselling author of...
In October 2002, Susan Polk was arrested for the murder of her husband, Felix, kicking off what would become one of the most captivating murder trials in recent memory. Now,...
From bestselling author Ann Rule comes the engrossing true story of two beautiful, loving women, and their murder by the man in their life—handsome, charming, rich, a man...
From bestselling author Ann Rule comes the engrossing true story of two beautiful, loving women, and their murder by the man in their life—handsome, charming, rich, a man...
Former prosecutor Jeanine Pirro—the “true hero” (New York Post) of the hit HBO documentary series The Jinx—offers the transfixing true story of her...