More Patients. More Impact. More Income



Chris Axelrad OWNS and RUNS a 7-figure Acupuncture clinic in Houston, TX that serves over 200 patients a week across 3 locations. Each week he wil share PROVEN tactics and processes to ATTRACT the patients YOU want to work with using automated, inspiration-based marketing, but also the deep psychology of building trust and leadership INSIDE your clinic so patients will not only follow you for life, but refer EVERYONE they know.


  • Leading Prospects To Say Yes Without Salesy BS, Part 1

    10/03/2019 Duration: 35min

    As a natural practitioner, some traditional business skills (marketing, selling, accounting…) probably don’t come naturally to you. And that’s fine. After all, you focus on serving a purpose, not on clawing at every penny you can make. But to have a thriving practice and a filled calendar, you don’t need to be a cold-hearted business person. Instead, you can lead the patients you seek to serve without becoming a used car salesperson and still have many grateful faces to look at after you treat your patients. You’ll learn exactly how to get more patients in the door without becoming “salesy” in this episode. Show highlights include: - How you can learn how to turn people with a health problem into healed, grateful patients using the secrets of Hollywood moviemakers. (1:40) - Why you shouldn’t talk about money before you know why your patient needs your prospect. (11:30) - How to never have to discount (and therefore devalue) your treatment. (15:00) - How to maximize the chances of a patient showing up and gain

  • Ridiculously Simple 7-Figure Ad Copy Secrets, Part 2

    03/03/2019 Duration: 35min

    You’ve probably tried to market your practice before. And whether you’ve bought ads online, sent out postcards or put up flyers somewhere, you’ve had to write copy for your marketing. And if you’re like many practitioners out there, you didn’t quite know what to write for your ad—and when you saw the results, they weren’t quite the windfall you expected. But you don’t have to keep doing what doesn’t work, because in this episode, you’ll learn how to write copy that brings in patients quick. Show highlights include: - The most important part of your ad to nail—and the 3 most common mistakes practitioners make on this crucial bit. (1:00) - Why even ads that you think don’t work might be hugely profitable. (9:55) - How to create an “ecosystem” of marketing that gets patients to keep coming back and turns unconvinced prospects into grateful patients over time. (13:55) - The only audience for which Google AdWords will work—use them outside of these circumstances and you’ll burn your money for nothing. (25:50) Rea

  • Ridiculously Simple 7-Figure Ad Copy Secrets, Part 1

    24/02/2019 Duration: 32min

    Patients can be hard to understand. On the one hand, there are tons of people who need your help. You could help these people lead better lives. But when it comes to get them into your practice, it seems like they don’t want help—even though you’ve shown them your solution. In this episode, you’ll learn how your marketing can connect with your prospects and patients on an emotional level so they feel certain that your presence can relieve them of their pain. Show highlights include: - All the elements you need to craft a “killer ad” that turns people in pain into grateful patients for you. (6:45) - The biggest mistake practitioners make in their marketing that delays their progress by years (don’t make this mistake and you’ll make and impact in months that others don’t make in years). (7:55) - Why the classic marketing “avatar” is dead—and how you to actually reach those who are desperate for your help. (20:40) - The most common fears patients have before seeking treatment by a holistic practitioner–alleviate

  • Filling Your Schedule With The Power Of Simplified Messaging, Part 2

    17/02/2019 Duration: 30min

    If you’re like most people, you can think back to a time where you seriously embarrassed yourself. We call moments “embarrassing” when we unintentionally break rules everybody else abides by. Usually, somebody explains the rules to you. But when it comes to building a thriving practice, most of us simply don’t have any successful practitioners to call on who can explain the rules of how to fill your practice without selling out. In this episode, you’ll find out what never to do when you talk to those you want to serve so you don’t embarrass yourself when you talk to your patients. Show highlights include: - These phrases are all too common in practitioner’s marketing, but they don’t attract patients. (0:35) - The one thing patients value even over results. (4:20) - It hurts to hear, but your treatment is worthless—here’s why you’re better off for it. (4:55) - Your degree and your tools don’t get you patients or paid. Here’s where the value of your treatment is actually generated. (6:20) - How to explain your

  • Filling Your Schedule With The Power Of Simplified Messaging, Part 1

    10/02/2019 Duration: 25min

    When you sit down to create something that attracts patients, what do you do? You probably sit down and you get “empty page syndrome”. You start to type, you delete. You type again, delete again until you decide to take a coffee break. Many practitioners find it hard to tune into their unique voice when they have to create marketing material. If that’s you, you’ll love this episode. Inside, you’ll learn how to make marketing your practice effortless through simplicity. Show highlights include: - The one word that gets motivated patients to come in and pay attention. (9:25) - The biggest reason why practitioners fail (it’s heartbreaking that this is even taught in schools). (9:40) - Do you know everything about the medicine you practice? Your patient doesn’t care—and here’s why that’s good for you. (12:50) - The most important thing in your patient’s life. Focus on this and you’ll magnetize patients towards you. (18:25) - How to find and reach out to the people you can help most. (20:55) Ready to fill your pra

  • The Perpetual Patient Attraction Loop, Part 2

    03/02/2019 Duration: 23min

    If you sold out, you could easily build a big practice with a lot of patients. You could partner with anyone and everyone, make false promises and accept any penny you could get. But as an authentic holistic practitioner, you’re in this to fulfill a mission of helping people relieve their pain and you don’t want to be controlled by greed. And if you’re struggling, it can feel like you’re at a disadvantage because you chose to be true to yourself. You’re not. In this episode, you’ll hear how you can use your mission as fuel for a thriving practice and a filled schedule. Show highlights include: - The best platform to find people who are seeking the healing you can provide. (9:30) - If you let your patients book their appointments with this common way, you’re losing more patients than you win. (12:25) - Why not to get discouraged if a patient doesn’t show up or doesn’t book—and how to get back on track if you lose a patient. (13:55) - Not having enough success yet? Why your patients might be just around the cor

  • The Perpetual Patient Attraction Loop, Part 1

    27/01/2019 Duration: 24min

    Your practice is your mission, you’re doing this medicine to transform people’s lives. And when you’re lonely, without the patients you want to serve, it feels like you’re failing. Some people will say you’ve got a marketing problem, need to improve your sales strategy or become more persuasive. You go out and find out that you need a big budget to market effectively and that there’s an endless array of skills you’ve got to learn before you’re actually good at marketing. If that sounds like you, you’ll love this episode. Because you’ll learn how to make your marketing effortless and take all the “suck” out of getting more patients by persuading LESS and attracting patients by being more authentic. Show highlights include: - The key to eliminating all the hard effort from your marketing to the point where you won’t feel like you’re marketing anymore. (6:50) - Why thinking of a service provider will repel prospects and put a permanent ceiling on your income. (8:35) - Which people to talk to to get patients imme

  • How To Discover Your Mission (Even If You’re A Generalist Now)

    20/01/2019 Duration: 12min

    You’ve probably heard it a hundred times: Having a burning passion for what you do will help you through struggle, will let you strive ever higher and your conviction will attract patients like an industrial magnet. A mission eliminates the biggest problems practitioners have—it makes you seek out the work others procrastinate on. On the flipside, not having a mission can make growing your practice a grind and can turn humans looking for healing into numbers on a spreadsheet. You might think a mission comes to you in a flash of lightning. The opposite is true. In fact, you can cultivate a sense of mission today—this episode will teach you. Show highlights include: - Why you’re better off accepting that nobody wants your treatment. (1:40) - Whether you’re an acupuncturist, herbalist or dietician—it doesn’t matter. Here’s what does matter to creating your unique mission. (4:20- 4:40) - More money is nice, but these are the real rewards you get to reap when you fulfill a mission. (7:50) - How to create a mission

  • The Blueprint To 6 & 7 Figures Without Selling Out

    13/01/2019 Duration: 15min

    When you’ve got a normal day job, you’ve got a few tasks and that’s it. Choosing your own path and running a holistic practice, you’re faced with a ton of a slew of different things from serving your patients to accounting. Maybe you feel like many other practitioners nowadays: Overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by all the options, advice and experts. But building a thriving practice doesn’t have to be that hard. In this episode, you’ll hear how you can make a giant impact without having a whirlwind of ideas in your head. Show highlights include: - The only reason you feel overwhelmed (once you get this, your mind will clear up like a summer sky after a thunderstorm). (2:45) - The very first thing to do to get on track for a 6 or 7-figure practice. (3:40) - Already have a website? Here’s what you need to turn it into a patient magnet. (8:25) - Think of this the moment you feel overwhelmed. (12:25) - The three-step process to magnetize patients on autopilot. (13:40) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain

  • If You Want To Help More People - You MUST Do This

    06/01/2019 Duration: 08min

    As a listener of this podcast, you probably want to grow your practice. But there’s a reason everyone knows the term “growing pains”. Growth doesn’t just bring endless benefits and joy. Growth challenges you and gives you new problems to solve so you can keep serving your patients. If you want to serve more patients without diluting your message and purpose, you’ll love this episode. You’ll learn how to stop your practice from being disorganized and random—and the hidden damage treating everyone individually can do to you. Show highlights include: - What you have to sacrifice when you start serving more people. (1:50) - The hidden cost of customizing your methods for every patient. (2:05) - Why difficult things look so easy when others do it. (5:00) - How to focus on taking care about patients rather than getting wound up in administration or paperwork. (7:00) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your

  • The Secret To Accelerated Practice Growth

    30/12/2018 Duration: 08min

    Not every practitioner follows their mission full time. Maybe you’re one of them and you currently serve your patients part-time. If you’d like to go full-time, this episode is a must-listen. Inside, you’ll learn how to believe in your dream and move past the doubts keeping you from living your dream life as a holistic practitioner. Show highlights include: - How going from 20-30 patients a week to 0 patients eventually became over 200 patients a week. (2:15) - Even if you think “my dream is over”, you can persist. Here’s how. (3:00) - When haters doubt you, this is how you must think to keep going even when things are hard. (3:50) - How even one patient can make an entire practice prosper. (4:00) - How to get 40 patients a week—even when you have no patients now. (4:50) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesyste

  • The Most Important Commitment You Must Make

    23/12/2018 Duration: 05min

    For purpose-driven practitioners like you, this might come as a shock—but you can’t help everyone you want to serve. No matter how much love and presence you give your patients, your treatments can’t heal everyone. And feeling like you failed your mission is like a punch in the gut. But making an impact isn’t just about giving people herbs or acupuncture. In this episode, you’ll learn how to have a giant impact independent of the outcome. Show highlights include: - A case study in treating your patients right—even if your methods don’t immediately work. (0:25) - You probably know these self-doubts… but here’s what can happen when you move past them. (1:30) - This is what can happen when you’re there for a patient who has “given up”. (2:35) - How to think about your practice when times are tough and you start to doubt yourself. (4:05) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot

  • Are You Trying To Fill A Leaky Bucket?

    16/12/2018 Duration: 23min

    You’ve gone to school, you’ve read books, taken courses—all to serve your unique purpose. To become a healer. After investing all the time, money and effort, it hurts to see less patients than you’d like. You might chalk the number of patients up to a lack of business skills and tell yourself you need to learn more about marketing. You think you need to work more. The truth is: Working harder is not the key to attracting patients—it’s working less, but with more intent and focus on serving your patients. In this episode, you’ll hear how to work less to attract more patients and have a bigger impact. Show highlights include: - All the mental qualities it takes to build a serious practice. (You probably already possess some of them.) (3:15) - What to do when a patient doesn’t see the results they wanted—and how to make them feel valued anyway. (4:30) - Following this marketing myth isn’t just false… it could kill your practice in the long-term, even if you do it right. (11:10) - If your patients ask you these q

  • The REAL Meaning Of Karma (Or Why I Relentlessly Hammer On MINDSET)

    09/12/2018 Duration: 15min

    Today, many aspiring holistic practitioners go to school, excited to help people overcome pain without cocktails of pills. Their intentions are noble, but when they start their practice, few patients seek them out—and they feel like they abandon their mission. Why do they fail even though they have a clear mission and are passionate about their work? It’s Karma. Not the bastardized definition of Karma we know in the West—REAL Karma. It sounds strange, but Karma can fuel you—and in this episode, you’ll hear how rethinking Karma can turn you into an authentic presence for a crowd of patients wishing to see you. Show highlights include: - What Karma really is—and how you can leverage it to fill your practice without selling out or pretending to be someone else. (1:15) - The 3 pillars of becoming a successful practitioner (you can endlessly improve on these). (4:10) - Doing, saying and thinking the same thing is boring, right? Here’s why it’s crucial to becoming high-impact. (7:00) - Stop chasing patients—here’s

  • The Secret to Stealth Influence, Part 2

    02/12/2018 Duration: 22min

    Generating interest in your practice is only one part of creating your dream practice. If you want to treat enthusiastic patients every day, you need to do more. Way too often, potential patients talk to practitioners and bring up all sorts of doubts. Maybe they think their treatment is too expensive, maybe they’re already being treated with conventional medicine. Maybe they’re afraid of trying a new sort of treatment. Their “head trash” not only loses you a patient, it also cuts them off from finally solving their problems. Stealth Influence is not only the key to effortlessly attracting patients. It’s also the key to erasing all doubt from your patient’s minds so they get to experience a real solution to their problem. In this episode, you’ll learn how to leverage Stealth Influence to get more patients and get them better results so they tell everyone they know about your practice. Show highlights include: - How a lack of trust between you and the patient can ruin your relationship with them—and even doom y

  • The Secret to Stealth Influence, Part 1

    25/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    To gain more patients, you need to sell your services, whether you like it or not. And when you look into marketing and sales, you’ll hear a hundred different things from a hundred different people. But when you look deeper, most of the methods don’t feel right to you as a medical practitioner. Most sales and marketing advice is driven by greed. Some of it borders on extortion. You might feel like you only have two choices: Sell out your mission and become a pushy salesperson or let your practice starve for patients. Luckily, there’s a third way: In this episode, you’ll learn how to leverage Stealth Influence. Instead of forcing people to bend to your will, Stealth Influence attracts them to your practice without you having to try hard or “make a sale”. Show highlights include: - How Stealth Influence helps you achieve go-to practitioner status without seeing others as competition. (4:15) - Most practitioners think they have to convince people to value what they do. Here’s how people love your service without

  • The Secret of Effortless Patient Attraction, Part 3

    18/11/2018 Duration: 22min

    Most things practitioners use to improve their practice don’t work. They invest hundreds, even thousands of dollars into things which ultimately fail to build a steady stream of engaged patients. Instead, you need to focus on the one thing which actually builds long-term success for your practice: Serving your target market In this episode, you’ll hear how to focus on your target market to build your dream practice (don’t worry, no marketing degree needed. A healthy pair of eyes is enough). Plus, if you’re a mission-driven practitioner, you’ll even enjoy digging in in your target market. Show highlights include: - If you’re doing „market research“ to find out where your target market lives (or even find yourself looking up ZIP codes), stop right now and do this instead. (0:45) - With people confused as to what does and what doesn’t work, give them this and gain their instant loyalty. (5:50) - Use this to-do list to turn your next patient into an evangelist for your practice. (7:35) - How to know exactly which

  • The Secret of Effortless Patient Attraction, Part 2

    11/11/2018 Duration: 27min

    If you had to tell someone everything you know about the way you treat your patients, how long would you talk for? Chances are you could sit there for hours, explaining every topic with a burning passion. And that’s a good sign. It shows that you’re passionate and competent. But being able to talk for hours about what you do, how you do it and why you do it doesn’t deliver you patients. In fact, it might just do the opposite: Draining people you want to serve of their desire to seek your help. In this episode, you’ll learn how to communicate in a way which fills your practice with patients and turns people into evangelists for your service, so that one patient can turn into two, three, five or more. Show highlights include: - Why not to tell people how awesome the medicine you practice is (even if you’re desperate for patients). (2:30) - The two why-didn’t-I-think-of-that things any patient wants to hear from you to know for certain that you can solve their problems. (6:30) - If you can memorize these seven

  • The Secret of Effortless Patient Attraction, Part 1

    04/11/2018 Duration: 28min

    When you look at your practice schedule, there might be a bunch of appointments, maybe there’s just a few. Maybe you’ve got no patients scheduled. The truth is: Even some successful practitioners feel like they could see more patients and fill their calendar to the brim with people who need their help. And it’s not just money—it’s serving a purpose. It’s their mission of being compassionate which drives them to want a full calendar where they have to squeeze people in. Leaving empty spots in the calendar might mean one more person going to sleep in pain that night. If you want to fill your calendar with patients who trust you to transform their lives, you’ll love this episode. You’ll learn how to attract as many patients as you want to see every week without coercing people into referring their friends, chasing potential patients or going into debt to pay for advertising. Show highlights include: - The no. 1 key to leaving behind the constant struggle of having to put in more effort, time and money to attract

  • The 3 Core Pillars of creating Go-To Practioner Status In Your Market, Part 3

    28/10/2018 Duration: 34min

    From acquiring the skills you need to serve people to setting up your practice, setting goals and attracting patients, much goes into becoming a go-to practitioner. And all those things help you build your dream practice. Most are necessary. But to become a true go-to practitioner, you must cultivate two qualities. If you can cultivate these, you’ll stop pushing your practice uphill and chasing people. Instead, you’ll watch your practice grow by itself like an avalanche. These two qualities are the third pillar of becoming a go-to practitioner. In this episode, you’ll learn what these two qualities are, how they affect you, your practice and your patients and how to cultivate them in your everyday life to feel joy and help your patients. Show highlights include: - The first step to helping your patients heal—you must do this before they ever walk into your practice. (2:00) - How to appreciate your work even when it gets boring or repetitive. Serving your patients while loving what you do is how you get to the

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