More Patients. More Impact. More Income

The Secret to Stealth Influence, Part 1



To gain more patients, you need to sell your services, whether you like it or not. And when you look into marketing and sales, you’ll hear a hundred different things from a hundred different people. But when you look deeper, most of the methods don’t feel right to you as a medical practitioner. Most sales and marketing advice is driven by greed. Some of it borders on extortion. You might feel like you only have two choices: Sell out your mission and become a pushy salesperson or let your practice starve for patients. Luckily, there’s a third way: In this episode, you’ll learn how to leverage Stealth Influence. Instead of forcing people to bend to your will, Stealth Influence attracts them to your practice without you having to try hard or “make a sale”. Show highlights include: - How Stealth Influence helps you achieve go-to practitioner status without seeing others as competition. (4:15) - Most practitioners think they have to convince people to value what they do. Here’s how people love your service without