More Patients. More Impact. More Income



Chris Axelrad OWNS and RUNS a 7-figure Acupuncture clinic in Houston, TX that serves over 200 patients a week across 3 locations. Each week he wil share PROVEN tactics and processes to ATTRACT the patients YOU want to work with using automated, inspiration-based marketing, but also the deep psychology of building trust and leadership INSIDE your clinic so patients will not only follow you for life, but refer EVERYONE they know.


  • The 3 Core Pillars of creating Go-To Practitioner Status In Your Market, Part 2

    21/10/2018 Duration: 17min

    As a holistic practitioner, you’ve got many options with which you can help people: Acupuncture, herbs, supplements or simply listening and caring, all those help your patients live better lives. Now, your patients come to you for guidance. They expect your leadership. Because you’ve got the knowledge and experience to solve their problems. It’s crucial for you to lead with compassion, generosity and gratitude—else your patients will lose trust in you, inhibiting their healing. How do you become such a leader? In today’s episode, you’ll learn about the second core pillar to become a go-to practitioner and the crucial element you must have to be an authentic leader. Show highlights include: - Why to be wary when people say “I need acupuncture”—and which people to serve instead. (2:20) - The counter--intuitive reason not to say you can help everybody, even if you can (interestingly, you’ll get more patients this way). (3:35) - The most common reasons practitioners lose their mission and focus (this is the most

  • The 3 Core Pillars of creating Go-To Practitioner Status In Your Market, Part 1

    14/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    When you know who you want to serve and how you want to serve them, nothing is more frustrating than not being able to help those people lead better lives. It’s hard to watch them struggle when you know you could help them. It might even feel like you’re deserting your mission, the purpose for which you became a practitioner in the first place. What if, instead of waiting for patients, your patients came to you because everybody in your community knows you’re great and serving them earnestly? What if you were the go-to practitioner in your market? In this episode, you’ll learn the 3 essential elements you need to implement so you can be the go-to for the people you want to serve to fill your practice and your wallet and create impact in real people’s lives. Show highlights include: - Why the majority of your and your patient’s success is NOT because of the treatment you can give. (3:25) - This common behavior prevents any healing from taking place in the patient—never do this. (6:20) - How to shrug your shou

  • Something You Have To Let Go Of Or ELSE

    30/09/2018 Duration: 18min

    In the world of entrepreneurship and natural health, everyone seems to succeed. You can see people have giant impact while living dream lifestyles on a high income. In a world like that, it’s easy to become jealous. It’s easy to envy those who seem to have, know and be everything. But envy doesn’t help on your way to become a successful healer, serving your purpose and building your dream practice. In this episode, you’ll learn how to check yourself and enable yourself to rise above the nagging feeling of greed. Show highlights include: - You don’t just give people medicine or help them heal… here’s how you REALLY give people what they look for. (2:15) - Why people come to natural practitioners after the medical establishment neglected them (reverse this and your patients will love you). (3:55) - How envy keeps you from becoming the leader people seek… and pay you well to be. (5:10) - Why NOT to learn from most people who seem so successful on social media (unless you want to learn how to become miserable). (

  • Are You Willing To Step Up And Lead?

    16/09/2018 Duration: 21min

    As a natural practitioner, your no.1 thing is probably having an impact on people’s lives. Guiding them to a better reality and allowing them to live a life worth living. Accomplishing this mission is hard—it’s be soul-crushing to struggle with something to near to your heart. But it’s worth it. And, there’s an underappreciated quality which is necessary for maximum impact: Leadership. Great leaders multiply their impact by inspiring others and helping them succeed in accomplishing their mission. In this episode, you’ll learn how to become a great leader who inspires action and creates a better world around himself. Show highlights include: - Why leaders often despise what average people strive for their whole lives. (5:20) - How leaders win by expecting less of others (this might be surprising, but even high-performing leaders often expect very little from those around them). (5:40) - You might not like this unintended consequence of leadership, but it’s a sign of moving forward. (8:50) - Why BIG businesses

  • The Master Key To Continual Growth

    09/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    It’s easy to look up to the experts. The “A-List”. The “pros”. It’s easy to admire how much they get done and how everything they do seems to fall into place and become a success. Watching these people can make you feel inferior, like you’re somehow below them. The truth is: No matter who you look up to, these people aren’t superior, they just do things you’re not doing and think in ways in which you’re not currently thinking. This episode will reveal some of the things which high-performing natural practitioners know, think and do so you can apply them in your own life and practice. Show highlights include: - When you want to do many awesome things… don’t. The surprising thinking behind not doing things to accomplish more. (1:25) - What holistic practitioners really help patients with (help your patients do this and they’ll stick to you like a needle to an industrial magnet). (3:50) - Why NOT worrying about yourself might be the biggest limiting factor to growing your practice. (10:40) - When you’re having a

  • Stop Tripping Over The Diamonds At Your Feet

    02/09/2018 Duration: 14min

    You help people become better versions of themselves. Your work allows your patients to live better lives. Instead of just prescribing a bottle of pills, you’re a companion in your patient’s journey. But in order to guide people to a better life, you need to get your own life in order first. A practitioner is someone who practices, not a talker. In this episode, you’ll learn how to grow yourself and your practice through focus and applying what you can learn all over the internet (much of it is free). Show highlights include: - What to do before you come to others for help with your problems (you do this every day anyway) (2:05). - Coaching is not a magic pill—you can find most of the information for free online. But here’s what coaching really does for you. (3:50) - How to know when a patient isn’t paying attention to you. (5:20) - Which common attitude never leads to impact and income—don’t expect a successful practice if you do this. (6:30) - The BIG problem with self-centeredness and what to do instead. (

  • The Insidious Nature Of Greed And How It Kills Your Impact

    26/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    As a holistic practitioner, your mission is probably one of the things you value most. Unfortunately, there are many things which can distract you from serving others with purpose. One of those things is greed. Focusing on your bank account instead of your mission is one of the surest ways to kill your practice and fail your mission. In this episode, Chris teaches you his mindset around greed. Show highlights include: - Why putting your impact first is not only good for your patients, but also for your business. (1:50) - The toxic mindset around money which modern society indoctrinates you with—and how to think instead. (3:00) - The one human “need” which kills practices more than anything else. (6:10) - How hiring and paying others isn’t just “losing money”, but can help your impact. (11:20) - Why thinking you’re doing the right thing by not spending money is an insidious impact-killer. (13:40) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the s

  • Stealth Shamanic Presence

    19/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    When your patients come in to be healed, they’re not just looking for your treatment. They come to feel your presence. They want to be safe, heard and understood—and feel it. They want to experience holistic healing. This episode teaches you how to become more than a practitioner and be a healing presence to your patients. What seems like a quick mindset switch might actually mean a complete transformation of your practice. This episode will teach you how to become an all-around healing presence for your patients so you can accomplish your mission. Show highlights include: - How holistic medicine is shamanic—in the best sense of the word. (3:20) - Crucial areas for healing most practitioners don’t even think about (set yourself apart by helping your patients with these). (4:10) - The consequences of attracting patients without preparing your practice and presence. (6:50) - The real meaning of caring for others. (7:20) - One big limiting factor for the growth of your practice, patients, impact and income. (11

  • How to Continuously Attract Patients On Autopilot

    12/08/2018 Duration: 29min

    When you have a burning passion for helping people, nothing is worse than not being able to fulfill your mission. While choosing the path of being a holistic practitioner is one big step for your mission, you need to take step two: Attract patients. If you find attracting patients difficult, you’ll love this episode. In this episode, you’ll learn why so many practitioners have a tough time getting new clients and how to leverage the “lighthouse effect” to get patients on autopilot. Show highlights include: - 2 things you need to know before you can have a successful practice. (6:30) - 3 characteristics any natural healer needs, which too few people have. Do you have them? (8:40) - Why lighthouses stand on bedrock foundations, not on the beach—and what that means to your practice. (9:20) - Why nobody cares about your dress, your certifications or your credentials. (10:50) - Any holistic practitioners REAL no.1 job. (12:15) - The no. 1 skill you need to leverage the “lighthouse effect” and attract more patients

  • Becoming The Oasis In The Desert

    05/08/2018 Duration: 30min

    As a holistic practitioner, you have a lot of energy you can use to heal people and improve their lives. And while you know how your treatment can change their lives, their side often looks grim: Before somebody comes to you for help, all they can see is the big problem ruining their life. They’re stuck in the desert—and your help can be their oasis. This episode teaches you how to make people see how you can help people see your energy and help them experience your healing powers. Show highlights include: - Ask yourself this question to become a sought-after healer in your community. (3:10) - The worst marketing/business strategy too many practitioners implement. (5:50) - Why not spending money to market your practice can be a fatal mistake (and don’t do it “on the cheap” either). (8:05) - What classic acupuncture wisdom can teach you about money. (8:30) - One common unrealistic expectation many practitioners have about advertising (ditching this expectation opens the door for immeasurable impact). (13:05) -

  • You Won’t Be Successful Until You Do This

    29/07/2018 Duration: 25min

    As a holistic practitioner, you’re constantly competing with other practitioners AND the allopathic medical establishment. As a result, it can feel hard to acquire new patients, help more people and serve your purpose. But if you really want to be a healer to people, you need to be able to attract patients you can help become who they want to be. It all starts with yourself. This episode teaches you how to think about yourself and your practice to attract more patients, increase your impact and make more money. Show highlights include: - The completely wrong way most practitioners think of themselves and their practice—and how to fix it.. (2:05) - What all people want from any practitioner they seek help from (3:35) - Why you shouldn’t market yourself as a service provider. (5:30) - How to not be a commodity and position yourself for long-term success as a natural healer. (7:20) - The problem with certifications and acquiring more knowledge (no, extra studies won’t magically attract patients). (9:40) - What t

  • How To Get Over Your Money BS So You Can Start Helping More People

    22/07/2018 Duration: 23min

    In the medical field, most companies, practitioners and patients are uncomfortable with talking about money. The prevalence of sweeping money concerns under the rug is almost absurd, considering how openly currency is talked about in other industries. If thinking about money and income scares you, this episode is for you. You’ll learn why most practitioners think about money the wrong way—and how to think about money to increase your income and serve those who need your help without becoming a patient mill. Show highlights include: - Why it’s perfectly normal to be uncomfortable with talking about money—and why you need to face this “fear” to accomplish your mission. (1:00) - What money really is and how it helps you serve people. (3:25) - The only thing you need to do to make your practice more profitable, prosperous and abundant. (6:05) - Two deep-seated reasons why practitioners feel guilty about receiving money and how to fix them. (6:55) - How to not be a commodity, but a valuable healer. (9:00) - The pa

  • The TRUE Road To YOUR High-Income, High-Impact Practice

    15/07/2018 Duration: 15min

    If you’re a holistic practitioner, you bravely chose a path many won’t take. Staying rooted in authenticity is hard—but it’s possible. In this episode, you learn how to grow a high-income, high-impact practice without selling yourself out. You’ll learn why much of the marketing & business advice in the holistic health field is wrong—and what to do instead. Show highlights include: - Why most practitioners think about their practice the wrong way. (2:20) - What practitioners think patients care about—and what patients actually care about. (2:50) - How to get more of what you want (it’s not by trying harder). (6:00) - 5 ways to help your body cleanse itself so you can perform at a higher level. (8:55). - What to listen for to figure out what you need to do next instead of feeling stuck. (10:30) - How to make long-term progress without soliciting external advice. (12:30) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, dow

  • Make Sure This Is For You Because It's Not For Everybody

    08/07/2018 Duration: 22min

    As a holistic health practitioner, you’ve probably heard many different opinions on business and marketing strategies. When you’re passionate about your practice, it’s so hard to know who to listen to—after all, the decisions you make determine the success or failure of your mission. In this first episode, you’ll learn who this podcast is made for and find out how listening will help you grow your income without sacrificing authenticity, joy and passion. You’ll also get to know your host Chris Axelrad and learn how he helps people holistically without selling out. Show highlights include: - Who this podcast is for—and who shouldn’t listen (don’t listen if you want to run this one type of business) . (4:10) - An uncomfortable “dirty word” in holistic health circles you have to deal with. (5:25) - Hands-on results the techniques outlined in this podcast have achieved for authentic professionals. (8:20) - Why this podcast is different than most other resources you can find online. (9:00) - How to spot people you

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