More Patients. More Impact. More Income

The TRUE Road To YOUR High-Income, High-Impact Practice



If you’re a holistic practitioner, you bravely chose a path many won’t take. Staying rooted in authenticity is hard—but it’s possible. In this episode, you learn how to grow a high-income, high-impact practice without selling yourself out. You’ll learn why much of the marketing & business advice in the holistic health field is wrong—and what to do instead. Show highlights include: - Why most practitioners think about their practice the wrong way. (2:20) - What practitioners think patients care about—and what patients actually care about. (2:50) - How to get more of what you want (it’s not by trying harder). (6:00) - 5 ways to help your body cleanse itself so you can perform at a higher level. (8:55). - What to listen for to figure out what you need to do next instead of feeling stuck. (10:30) - How to make long-term progress without soliciting external advice. (12:30) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, dow