More Patients. More Impact. More Income

Stop Tripping Over The Diamonds At Your Feet



You help people become better versions of themselves. Your work allows your patients to live better lives. Instead of just prescribing a bottle of pills, you’re a companion in your patient’s journey. But in order to guide people to a better life, you need to get your own life in order first. A practitioner is someone who practices, not a talker. In this episode, you’ll learn how to grow yourself and your practice through focus and applying what you can learn all over the internet (much of it is free). Show highlights include: - What to do before you come to others for help with your problems (you do this every day anyway) (2:05). - Coaching is not a magic pill—you can find most of the information for free online. But here’s what coaching really does for you. (3:50) - How to know when a patient isn’t paying attention to you. (5:20) - Which common attitude never leads to impact and income—don’t expect a successful practice if you do this. (6:30) - The BIG problem with self-centeredness and what to do instead. (