More Patients. More Impact. More Income

The Perpetual Patient Attraction Loop, Part 1



Your practice is your mission, you’re doing this medicine to transform people’s lives. And when you’re lonely, without the patients you want to serve, it feels like you’re failing. Some people will say you’ve got a marketing problem, need to improve your sales strategy or become more persuasive. You go out and find out that you need a big budget to market effectively and that there’s an endless array of skills you’ve got to learn before you’re actually good at marketing. If that sounds like you, you’ll love this episode. Because you’ll learn how to make your marketing effortless and take all the “suck” out of getting more patients by persuading LESS and attracting patients by being more authentic. Show highlights include: - The key to eliminating all the hard effort from your marketing to the point where you won’t feel like you’re marketing anymore. (6:50) - Why thinking of a service provider will repel prospects and put a permanent ceiling on your income. (8:35) - Which people to talk to to get patients imme