More Patients. More Impact. More Income

The Secret To Accelerated Practice Growth



Not every practitioner follows their mission full time. Maybe you’re one of them and you currently serve your patients part-time. If you’d like to go full-time, this episode is a must-listen. Inside, you’ll learn how to believe in your dream and move past the doubts keeping you from living your dream life as a holistic practitioner. Show highlights include: - How going from 20-30 patients a week to 0 patients eventually became over 200 patients a week. (2:15) - Even if you think “my dream is over”, you can persist. Here’s how. (3:00) - When haters doubt you, this is how you must think to keep going even when things are hard. (3:50) - How even one patient can make an entire practice prosper. (4:00) - How to get 40 patients a week—even when you have no patients now. (4:50) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain more patients for your holistic health practice without the stress and overwhelm, download your free copy of the Autopilot Patient Attraction Playbook today at www.highimpactpracticesyste