More Patients. More Impact. More Income

The Blueprint To 6 & 7 Figures Without Selling Out



When you’ve got a normal day job, you’ve got a few tasks and that’s it. Choosing your own path and running a holistic practice, you’re faced with a ton of a slew of different things from serving your patients to accounting. Maybe you feel like many other practitioners nowadays: Overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by all the options, advice and experts. But building a thriving practice doesn’t have to be that hard. In this episode, you’ll hear how you can make a giant impact without having a whirlwind of ideas in your head. Show highlights include: - The only reason you feel overwhelmed (once you get this, your mind will clear up like a summer sky after a thunderstorm). (2:45) - The very first thing to do to get on track for a 6 or 7-figure practice. (3:40) - Already have a website? Here’s what you need to turn it into a patient magnet. (8:25) - Think of this the moment you feel overwhelmed. (12:25) - The three-step process to magnetize patients on autopilot. (13:40) Ready to fill your practice and keep it full? To gain