Business Jazz



Podcast by Business Jazz


  • We Agree "Game of Thrones" Succeeds Beyond Imagination - S7E5

    22/05/2019 Duration: 29min

    This episode starts when Paul asks Roger to take the lead because “I feel I dominated last week’s conversation.” This leads on to chat about two Words : “Irrepressible” & “unsupressible”. Toastmasters gets a mention and “We need a dictionary” says Roger. _______________ Part 2 [This podcast is not sponsored by Game of Thrones} GAME OF THRONES enters the podcast from left field - and dominates the discussion. “Spoiler alert” warns Roger, as he tells a story about Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen. The “Red Wedding” incident was in the book but readers kept silent, and there was a “stunning surprise”. The big question for Paul & Roger is “What did the makers of Game of Thrones do that made it genuinely attractive to so many people?” - so attractive people dropped out of society to watch it. Unique theme music? 
- like IBM notes that identify the business. - like McDonald’s music (The New York Times said Justin Timberlake was paid $6 million to sing it Story foundry had music Business Jazz has music writ

  • Great Introductions Empower All Parties to Succeed - S7E4

    13/05/2019 Duration: 33min

    Biz Jazz Shownotes. Topic 1
 Would you swap your voice?
 “I wouldn’t swap my voice because …” insisted Paul. Topic 2
 How to Introduce yourself attractively [This episode is not sponsored by Joe Rogan] Paul says he’s a mature man who’s done business with 4398 companies - and availed of their services & noticed their style of delivering their offering. Roger likes to wear one thing, and ends up wearing the opposite. He is capable of forming a vision and sticks to certain practices. Lesson:
 Having a coherent vision & executing, it may help you grow a business that attracts people. __________________ Topic 3 How how to introduce yourself well - an example The DigisoftTV story Paul met a man at the Nespresso coffee station in Republic of Work, just before recording this episode of the podcast. A stranger he became interested in. A mutual attraction developed from which there was plenty to talk about. - He said nothing, he was “just there” - He paid attention, watched Paul take a photo of the “Get Shit Do

  • Succeed Richly by Banishing Them - S7E3

    29/04/2019 Duration: 33min

    Paul O’Mahony & Roger Overall chat in a Cork cafe, Lab82 (Roger's business is called Show & Tell Communications.) [Please note: This episode isn't sponsored by Lab82, though we talk about it on the show.] You hear the conversation about 29 rubber ducks, Bert & Ernie, and the feel of the place,  There is a rubber duck in bondage gear, across the road from Cork railway station. This is the cafe where Roger met Phil Daly (photographer) & Pat Frawley (printer) last time he was here. The Big Question "Do you get the experience of a coherent style here Paul?" This place is not elegant, not sophisticated - it is a coherent mixture "Can you succeed in business today by being eclectic, messy, around the houses?  If you are a muddle?" Two of the companies Roger works for Lee Reeve, hand painter of kitchens, and iDriveGroup, executive car transfer in Ireland, are very focussed. It's relatively easy to come up with content for them because there is nothing messy about them. Show & Tell does a long lis

  • Coffee Alchemy Gives Your Stories Superpowers - S7E2

    24/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    This episode was recorded in the cafe of the Consultants Private Clinic, in University College Hospital - on Tuesday 23 April 2019. "Has Ireland become a coffee nation?" asked Roger (Overall). In 2001, it was all tea, no proper coffee, only Maxwell House instant coffee. By 2019, coffee is a "licence to print money" asserts Paul (O'Mahony). You hear chat about Apple, IBM, Barry's Tea, Lyons Tea, Bewley's Coffee, green beans and IREL Coffee. You hear Roger mention Christian Payne - and Paul mention Chris Brogan. ... Roger made a video about coffee for a coffee haus called FILTER : "how FILTER make coffee in a glass contraption." The key messages were "Come here - we'll take you to a different level... "We educate you, we make you more interesting, more attractive ... "You have an experience others haven't had ... new, different, exotic ... As a result Viewers became more educated. They became more resourceful They became more attractive In other words - viewers became more powerful Maybe the video was a success

  • Cancer Sucks Mystery Episode into Oblivion - S7E1

    15/04/2019 Duration: 27min

    You are listening to the return of Business Jazz podcast ("genuinely attractive business") for another season - Season 7. Recorded by Roger Overall & Paul O'Mahony on Friday 12th April 2019, in Republic of Work in Cork city centre. You hear us chatting about: (1) The business of your strapline - how important it is to use words which make a good memorable acronym that's attractive (like GAB, suggests "the gift of the gab". (2) Roger's recovery from cancer. (3) The secret of Season 6 (4) Why ambient sound makes a show warm and pretty raw. (5) What the Republic of Work is like as a co-working space. (6) Our plan to take this podcast mobile around Cork, showing off some of the coffee venues in the city. (7) What "Blue-Sky Thinking is". (8) Name-dropping: Gary Vaynerchuk (1975 -) Belarusian American entrepreneur, author, speaker & internet personality. First known as a wine critic (9) Name-dropping: Simon Oliver Sinek (1973 -) British-American author, motivational speaker & organisational consultant,


    26/03/2018 Duration: 33min

    Season 5 Finale - recorded in Republic of Work in Cork. Topics touched & addressed in this episode by Roger Overall & Paul O'Mahony from Show&Tell Communications (1) Paul needs a hearing aid & weather is very good. (2) Business Jazz Podcast were lobbied on Periscope to use Twitter @bizjazzpodcast - its over 30 days since it's been used. "Why are we not using Twitter to provide a service to people interested in Business Jazz?" Public commitment by Paul to start using our Twitter. But - should Paul take on using Twitter? Is Twitter a service which you can use to make your business more genuinely attractive? At least one person wants our business to use Twitter. This is "proof of concept". Twitter is not free from the point of view of time - people pay with their time. Minimum viable product (MVP) - what do people want from a Twitter account? (1)Information (2)Stories (3)Humour Business Jazz already has text written (shownotes) that could be edited &

  • COME TO OUR PRISON - marketing freedom on weekends (S5E9)

    19/03/2018 Duration: 33min

    This episode is all about "How to attract people to your visitor attraction". Recorded in Republic of Work - co-working space - in Cork Ireland - this is not a political podcast. Your geographical location is one of the most attractive things about you online. Two of the questions that people want an answer to (1) "Where in the world are you?" (2) "Can these people sell me what I want to buy? The journey towards affection... Location Matters. St Patrick's Day - Roger sounds like he's applying for a job with Bord Failte Oregon USA did something completely different: they didn't show photos of beautiful places & happy people Note: We have a newsletter now (whispers Roger) The state of Oregon used Animation to attract people. Oregon: "This is what it feels like" Paul suggests - We'll write to the governor of Oregon to find out how successful the campaign is. 3 ways of marketing a visitor attraction (1) provide information about the place (2) impress people (get them to go wow - images & testimonials) (3)

  • Your Values Are Codswallop - S5E8

    12/03/2018 Duration: 39min

    Roger Overall & Paul O'Mahony "I have something on my mind" kicks off Paul Napoleon, Steve Jobs, The art of war & leadership The public display & use of values SWAT analysis & funding Integrity - Quality - a list of values Harvard Business Review How Change Agents Branding (consultancy) came up with its key values (Manifesto) "We drew our values out of our experiences" - South Africa & UK Key point: our values came out of an analysis of what we were capable of. "I wasn't capable of anything else". Toastmasters declare 10 promises: (insert the Toastmasters Promise here) Paul talks about Toastmasters - and the Promise people make when they join the organisation. Research on Toastmasters LinkedIn Group. Paul reports on what he's found. BNI (Business Networking International) compared & contrasted with Toastmasters (Roger reports) BNI Chapters - Toastermasters Clubs are local. Singapore & Miami experience is consistent. Both voluntary Both local Both welcome visitors Both international


    05/03/2018 Duration: 28min

    A raw, unscripted, free-wheeling, wide-ranging and eclectic chat about "How to be genuinely attractive in business today". For people in business. "Business" means you've a job, own a commercial enterprise, profit & not-for-profit - you work at anything (including housework). ___________________ Weekly podcast by Roger Overall & Paul O'Mahony from Show&Tell Communications (HQ in Cork Ireland, trading in Ireland & UK) - available here, in iTunes and other places. This episode begins with MISTAKES. - The key point is to recover well. Story No 1 is about Jack Nicholas (golfer) as told by Bob Rotella (golf coach) in one of his books. - FORGET YOUR MISTAKES - after learning from them seems to be the message. Paul: "I do not know what direction this podcast will go". Roger: "Is that because of your experience?" Story No 2: Heart Surgeon in USA at 93 years of age. "How old will I be when I stop working for money?" says Roger These guys work today : Ridley Scott (born 1937, English film director &


    27/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    Communicating from Cork Ireland. There is a clock ticking during this episode ... "People can hear their life ticking away..." says Roger. "Your time gets more valuable the longer you live ..." says Roger. "I'm charged out at a much higher rate than you Roger ..." says Paul. Elliott Erwitt, the photographer - how does he think? Coffee chat comes next. No coffee company sponsors Business Jazz - "we're not attractive enough yet" says Paul Gary Vaynerchuk went ranting yesterday - says Roger. "The contrast between your two personalities is significant" says Paul Parents shouldn't impose their dreams on their children ... At the beginning of his business career Gary Vaynerchuk worked in the family business. He was living his parents' dream - wasn't he? "Gary took the conventional route" says Paul. "I knew his father, I played golf with his father, mixed foursomes with his parents ..." says Paul. "Call him on Skype" says Paul. Casey Neistat , the You Tuber, doesn't like being asleep - Roger says. FOMO = fear of mis


    20/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    (29 minutes) This is about "Dressing for work". First you hear Paul tell Roger about "The White Company" ... Roger brings Steve Jobs in his polo neck onto the catwalk ... Paul introduces Rita Clifton's dress ("Rita Ann Clifton CBE is a British advertising professional and a former UK Chairman of Interbrand who currently works as a speaker, facilitator, writer, and non-executive director of a portfolio of companies." - Wiki) The big issue: Should you dress the way your clients expect you to dress? Are you at your most attractive when you dress to fit in?

  • Human Element Wins Every Time (S5-E4)

    14/02/2018 Duration: 31min

    Paul O'Mahony & Roger Overall chat about The Hotel First you hear ongoing conversation about what it's been like for Roger & Paul to talk with each other. "Discovering what you don't know is learning..." [There's a dog in the corner of Paul's kitchen - Louis the English Setter may guest on this show.] Whining ... complaining ... leads to Roger's hotel experience in UK. The hotel Roger & John (UK Sales Director) was : -excellent booking - bed pristine - shower hot & powerful - room to hang up the suit - plenty of plugs - Wifi not needed - bathroom light repaired immediately - ideal location - big power brick Bishop Stortford (Hertfordshire, England, population 37,000) near Stamford Airport What's Roger's complaint? This is a poignant story about how to upset customers a lot. The human contact (or absence of it) ... The personal touch (or lack of it) ... The communication (or a comedy of errors)... Roger's never described his upset feelings in such graphic terms (at least not on this podcast). "

  • "Read Your Customer's Emotions Perfectly" (S5 E3)

    05/02/2018 Duration: 35min

    Podcasting from Cork Ireland You hear Paul O'Mahony & Roger Overall talking about "I know enough to be dangerous". Dangerous companies, perilous companies ... Japanese chef preparing fugu fish ... you can die if the fish isn't prepared properly ... and not by trial & error. If you want to be genuinely attractive in business - you can't do what some You Tubers do... You can't promise and keep putting off the delivery of what you've promised. Paul is in a team preparing a Conference for Toastmasters in District 71 - he's the marketing person on the team. (11-13 May 2018). Roger asks "What is your key concern?" (1) Making it genuinely attractive, or (2) Being overwhelmed ... Paul dramatises the work. He has to remember "everything is not dependent on me". Paul talks about Toastmasters. Roger highlights Cork as the best place in Cork - much more attractive than not-Cork. "With an accent like your's Roger - you can't ever become a Corkonian". _________________________ At last, Paul & Roger talk Apple:

  • Email marketing to strangers is dangerous

    29/01/2018 Duration: 31min

    Season 5 Episode 2 You hear about email marketing - and two emails Business Jazz received this week

  • Treasure These Words On Choppy Seas

    21/01/2018 Duration: 34min

    This is Episode 1 of Season 5 Could Business Jazz get into the Guinness Book of Records? Longest single episode of a podcast? This episode is all about Chris Brogan's #My3Words. Context & timing are important in every business. Business Jazz Podcast probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Chris Brogan's weekly newsletters. Three words that act as your guides for the year... is where you can find Chris Brogan's three words - every year since 2006. Put your three words in your diary so you see them every day ... Make them your screensaver ... Have them tattooed ... Make a new business card each year with your words on them ... You hear Roger & Paul discussing Paul's three words [Strava & Runkeeper = running Apps Roger uses.] "Planning Quality Moments" - Roger's three words. Roger creates a huge amount in his work - but if you just create in a vacuum that's not good enough. Planning is an on-going process. "I'm going to start seriously planning stuff" says Roger. You hear Roger d

  • Custard Tarts, Cork Coffee & Bite Size - S4 Finale

    16/01/2018 Duration: 31min

    Custard Tarts, Cork Coffee & Bite Size - S4 Finale by Business Jazz


    07/01/2018 Duration: 31min

    Note: This episode was live streamed via Periscope. You hear Roger Overall somewhere in British Columbia, Canada - talking with Paul O'Mahony in his kitchen in Cork Ireland. There's a short conversation about Canada First Nation people Then a few words about Jane Boyd. Jane Boyd, a previous host ("leading lady") on Business Jazz, has lost her voice. Somehow Paul & Roger started discussing gender ... Gender balance is what Paul favours. He got fed up of panels of man. The Chinese Communist Party leadership is all men. "Is a business more attractive to you if ... ? "Who are the customers of the business? If you serve a mixed gender popular... Able to put out messages from both segments of your 'target audience'.. "There can be some awful women - as well as some awful men... Paul says "I hate stereotyping ... The women I've met pay more attention to detail Gay men pay more attention to detail... Boards of companies to be more representative ... Roger - you could say I don't care ... I'd have to be some sort

  • Brand Canada is attractive - S4E6

    05/12/2017 Duration: 34min

    Recorded in a car travelling in Vancouver Canada - Roger Overall with Jane Boyd. This is "Not a commercial for Vancouver." Brand Canada is discussed. Brand Canada - Roger's perceptions of Canada before he arrived. Edmonton connection. Canadian Mounties, honorable, on a horse, integrity. Return to the Ultramarathoner Gary Robbins story - reinforced the idea of being Canadian. Don't forget the "natural beauty & wide open spaces" of Canada. Jane & Roger discuss Roger's perceptions of Canada - now that he's spend time in Canada: Looking forward to coming back. Extraordinary "Welcome home" said Bob, Jane's husband - this welcome seemed to be an expression of Brand Canada. The marathon story: Roger ran a race, came in last - even so, everyone waited for him to finish. Very kind, supportive people. Well tended, maintained city - a clean place. Vancouver appeals to many people - does not disappoint. Roger does his best to highlight things that are different from what he expected. Many similarities with USA. B

  • Catastrophes Are Highly Desirable - S4E5

    13/11/2017 Duration: 32min

    Recorded in Republic of Work, Cork City centre. The podcast starts with Roger & Paul describing what happened the last time they recorded the podcast. A disaster. The episode was lost : the recording equipment failed. That 'catastrophe' led to discussion about "What should a company do when it has a major failure?" All businesses have failures - you have to pick yourself up (2:30) What to do when you have a major disaster (a huge screw-up) - and you want to remain genuinely attractive? There's evidence that when things go wrong - providing you recover well - you become even more attractive to customers. (3:20) People think you're human We all fail. But because of the way you recovered... Your client is a human being as well. You can easily imagine the worst. However, the reaction may not be anger - may be one of understanding. Roger's story about his father's mistake. How he learned from the experience. "What are we going to do about it?" - this is the big question. (6:45) When this is the focus (1) Emplo

  • How to seduce your ideal client - S4 E4

    26/10/2017 Duration: 33min

    This episode of Business Jazz Podcast is (mainly) about : How to do an elevator pitch to the CEO of your 'ideal potential client'. _________________ There is no perfect way. You need to find your best way. There are some essentials & some desirables. You must find out how to get in touch with the person afterwards  ensure they know how to contact you (if they want to). Give us an example of a successful elevator pitch you've done Paul Paul's elevator pitch story:  to an advertising agency director. Paul eavesdropped on a conversation during a coffee break at a conference in Dublin. (The person in the queue was a director of Arks "one of Ireland's longest-established agencies, with billings of £21 million (€27 million) in 1999 - up from £6 million in 1996".) The Guinness stout account was once held by Arks for more than 20 years. What Paul did led to a contract to provide services to the agency - presentation skills training courses for account managers & creatives. Learning: A queue for coffee's a gre

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