Business Jazz

Your Values Are Codswallop - S5E8



Roger Overall & Paul O'Mahony "I have something on my mind" kicks off Paul Napoleon, Steve Jobs, The art of war & leadership The public display & use of values SWAT analysis & funding Integrity - Quality - a list of values Harvard Business Review How Change Agents Branding (consultancy) came up with its key values (Manifesto) "We drew our values out of our experiences" - South Africa & UK Key point: our values came out of an analysis of what we were capable of. "I wasn't capable of anything else". Toastmasters declare 10 promises: (insert the Toastmasters Promise here) Paul talks about Toastmasters - and the Promise people make when they join the organisation. Research on Toastmasters LinkedIn Group. Paul reports on what he's found. BNI (Business Networking International) compared & contrasted with Toastmasters (Roger reports) BNI Chapters - Toastermasters Clubs are local. Singapore & Miami experience is consistent. Both voluntary Both local Both welcome visitors Both international