Business Jazz

"Read Your Customer's Emotions Perfectly" (S5 E3)



Podcasting from Cork Ireland You hear Paul O'Mahony & Roger Overall talking about "I know enough to be dangerous". Dangerous companies, perilous companies ... Japanese chef preparing fugu fish ... you can die if the fish isn't prepared properly ... and not by trial & error. If you want to be genuinely attractive in business - you can't do what some You Tubers do... You can't promise and keep putting off the delivery of what you've promised. Paul is in a team preparing a Conference for Toastmasters in District 71 - he's the marketing person on the team. (11-13 May 2018). Roger asks "What is your key concern?" (1) Making it genuinely attractive, or (2) Being overwhelmed ... Paul dramatises the work. He has to remember "everything is not dependent on me". Paul talks about Toastmasters. Roger highlights Cork as the best place in Cork - much more attractive than not-Cork. "With an accent like your's Roger - you can't ever become a Corkonian". _________________________ At last, Paul & Roger talk Apple: