Business Jazz

COME TO OUR PRISON - marketing freedom on weekends (S5E9)



This episode is all about "How to attract people to your visitor attraction". Recorded in Republic of Work - co-working space - in Cork Ireland - this is not a political podcast. Your geographical location is one of the most attractive things about you online. Two of the questions that people want an answer to (1) "Where in the world are you?" (2) "Can these people sell me what I want to buy? The journey towards affection... Location Matters. St Patrick's Day - Roger sounds like he's applying for a job with Bord Failte Oregon USA did something completely different: they didn't show photos of beautiful places & happy people Note: We have a newsletter now (whispers Roger) The state of Oregon used Animation to attract people. Oregon: "This is what it feels like" Paul suggests - We'll write to the governor of Oregon to find out how successful the campaign is. 3 ways of marketing a visitor attraction (1) provide information about the place (2) impress people (get them to go wow - images & testimonials) (3)