Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 238:17:47
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Podcast by Yusuf Circle Sheffield


  • S01 - Reflections Upon Death & Eternal Life - Istidraj

    04/08/2024 Duration: 30min

    Reflections upon Death & Eternal Life "Allah SWT's favour of keeping the world away from me is greater than His favour of giving it to me... (Abu Naim). We shall gradually seize them in ways they perceive not, Surah 68 v 4... Meaning that He SWT covers them fully with His graces and then prevents them from giving thanks (Siyar). Istidraj - when a servant is given the world despite his disobedience, view Surah 6 v44. The treasures of Kisra in the reign of Umar (ra). Verily the nobility of the people of the world that which they always turn to is wealth (Nasaa'ee).

  • S03 - Good Character - Common ailments...

    01/08/2024 Duration: 27min

    Common ailments... All disasters result from spoken words (Daylamee). A man is deprived of sustenance due to the sins he commits (Tirmidhi). The punishment of sin is that the sinner becomes sluggish in worship his sustenance is restricted and enjoyment becomes hard to bear (Ibn Kathir).

  • S02 - Good Character - The Tongue

    01/08/2024 Duration: 29min

    The Tongue

  • S01 - Good Character - Evil is he who is arrogant

    30/07/2024 Duration: 22min

    One of the greatest sins in the Sight of Allah SWT is that when it is said to someone, Fear Allah SWT and one replies [arrogantly] Worry about yourself (Nasaa'ee). Evil is he who is arrogant and rebellious but forgets the origin and conclusion (Tirmidhi). As Prophet Nuh (as) was departing the world he advised his sons, I prevent you from associating with Allah SWT and from pride. I command you to 2 things...لا إله إلا الله  & ِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ العَظِي These 2 phrases are the salah of every creation and everything is granted sustenance due to them (Nas'ee). Superior worship is humility (Baihaqi).

  • S01 - The Exalted Status Of The Believing Women

    30/07/2024 Duration: 25min

    The Exalted Status of the Believing Women O Allah SWT forgive such women of my Ummah who are properly dressed (Baihaq). The Angels say, Glorified be Allah SWT who beautified men with beards and women with hair locks (Haakim). A woman who obeys her husband, discharges her obligation towards him.... would then attain a rank next only to that of a martyr (Tabarani). The best Sadaqah is to spend your wealth on your daughter who has returned [widowed or divorced] (Ibn Majah). If a daughter is born in the dwelling of a person and the father does not distress her, nor considers her an ill-fortune, nor does he prefer the son to the daughter, then Allah SWT will make that person enter Paradise (Haakim). The Angels take the baby girl under the shade of their wings, stroke her head & supplicate for her....  (Sa'eed ibn Manssor).

  • S06 - Glorious Dhikr - The 10,000 times reward giving Salaatun Nabee ﷺ.

    30/07/2024 Duration: 27min

    The 10,000 times reward giving Salaatun Nabee ﷺ. Allah SWT multiplies a deed even by a Million times (Ahmad), or even 2 Million, Surah 4 v 40. Jibreel (as) informs that whoever sends Salaah & Salam upon The Messenger ﷺ then Allah SWT showers mercy and protection upon the reciter (Ahmad). One Salaatun Nabee ﷺ if recited once is greater than 10,000 rewards (Roohul Bayaan).

  • S05 - Glorious Dhikr - The excellence of Salahtul Tasbeeh and the 3rd Kalima recited 300 times.

    28/07/2024 Duration: 19min

    The reward of Subhannal fills up half the scale. Alhamdulliah fills the other half. Allah' hu Akbar fills the space between the skies and the earth (Ahmad). The excellence of Salahtul Tasbeeh and the 3rd Kalima recited 300 times. Prophet Sulayman (as) gliding through the air with his forces pass by a worshipper- The Kingdom shall eventually fall yet the Tasbeeh remains forever (Ibn Al Mubarak). The Tasbeeh... Fills half of the mighty scales Is better then the entire kingdom of The Prophet Sulayman (as) It protects one from various diseases Crops make Tasbeeh thus the one who plants receives the rewards. Say "There is no god worthy of worship except Allah (SWT), the One, The Unique, the Absolute, He (SWT) is not in need of a partner or offspring - and there is nobody comparable to the One (SWT)."' Then 40,000 rewards will be written in your record. (Ahmad).

  • S04 - Glorious Dhikr - Whoever recites the 3rd Kalima is given 10 rewards

    26/07/2024 Duration: 30min

    Make the ways of Allah's SWT Messenger ﷺ and The Companions as a guide. Beautify your Eid with Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, Tahleel & Takbeer (Abu Nuaym). After the obligatory Salaah, recite 33 x Subhanallah, 33 Al Hamdulliah & 34 Allahabad Akbar (Muslim). Kalimahs have been coined “those that follow” as they are recited after Salaah and to wipe out sins. Whoever recites the 3rd Kalima is given 10 rewards for every letter recited (Tabarani). The Angels ascend with these words under their wings to the higher realms, Surah 35 v10.

  • S03 - Glorious Dhikr - The best dhikr is Laailhaa illalaah

    24/07/2024 Duration: 30min

    A person declaring Laailhaa illalaah anythime during the day or night, then his sins are wiped off from his record of deeds [as its a Great Destroyer of sins] (Abu Yalaa). The best zikir is Laailhaa illalaah and the best supplication is Al Hamdulliah (Nasaa'ee).

  • S02 - Glorious Dhikr - Dhikr is 700k times more virtuous than spending in The Path of Allah SWT

    24/07/2024 Duration: 24min

    Zhikir of Allah SWT is 700k times more virtuous than spending in The Path of Allah SWT (Ahmad). Allah SWT gives manifold increase to whomever He wills, Surah 2 v261. The portion of earth which Zhikir is made takes pride over the rest of the seven earths below it (Aboo Ya'laa).

  • S01 - Glorious Dhikr - Virtues of The Glorious Dhikr of Allah SWT

    24/07/2024 Duration: 23min

    Virtues of The Glorious Zhikir of Allah SWT The familiar voice of those who perform Zikir in times of ease ((ibn Abee Shaibah). The most virtuous servant on The Last Day will be the one who praised Allah SWT in abundance (Tabarani). Zhikir saves one from punishment (Tabarani). Praise is the basis of Gratitude (Haakim). Allah SWT loves to be praised as this gratitude is on your behalf (Tabarani). To praise Allah SWT for a bounty is then a means of protection of that bounty (Daylamee).

  • S04 - Glorious Quran - The Transcendent Quran.

    24/07/2024 Duration: 27min

    The Transcendent Quran. Whoever will teach his child how to read the Quran then Allah SWT will forgive all his past and future sins... And will be crowned on The Last Day with a crown of Paradise... (Tabarani). Whoever recites 10 verses at night from the Quran will then not be written amongst the heedless; 100 verses then will be written amongst the resolute (Haakim). Whoever recites 100 verses from the Quran will be exempt from the demands of the Quran 200 verses, receive the reward of having spent the whole night in worship. 500-1k verses, receive 1 QinThaar - equal to 12k Deenars (Darimee). Whoever recites the Quran with difficulty but strives to recite it in the best way possible will then have a double reward (Bukhari). 'Tilka' Surah 12 v2, means this/these and is used to denote something that is far away... The Quran is not far away but it's majestic and noble therefore transcendent in status. And hold fast to the Rope of Allah SWT... Surah 3 v103.

  • S03 - Glorious Quran - The Quran is like a nation secured in their forts... (Bazzar).

    23/07/2024 Duration: 35min

    The Quran is like a nation secured in their forts... (Bazzar). Haa Meem serves as a fortress against the enemy (Maariful Quran). The Quran is a Banquet of Allah SWT thus take as much as you can (Haakim). When tribulations emerge.. the way out is to return to The Book of Allah SWT (Razeen). The company of The Quran rectifies (Abu Nu'aym). Whoever listens to one Verse of the Quran it will be a Light for him on The Last Day (Abdur Razzaq). When the Quran is recited, listen to it with silence and attention that you may then receive Mercy, Surah 7 v204.

  • S02 - Glorious Quran - The Quran, Full of Treasures

    20/07/2024 Duration: 25min

    The Quran, Full of Treasures A man suffering problems with his own heart is given a new lease of life by reciitng 11 times Surah 13 v28, Indeed in the remembrance of Allah SWT do hearts find rest. Thus whoever needs it may also recite it. Recite Surah 30 v17-19 in the morning and all the shortcomings in your acts will be repaired... recite in the evening and those acts will be repaired (Abo Dawood). Prophet Ibrahim (as) is given the title of Waf'Faa [the one who fulfilled] for he recited the following every morning/evening, Surah 30 v17-18 (Ahmad). There is no verse more severe upon the rebellious Shaytan than Surah 2 v163, And your God in One God- there is no God but He The Supreme Merciful, Most Kind.

  • S01 - Glorious Quran - There is nothing that outweighs 'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

    19/07/2024 Duration: 26min

    When  'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ was revealed the clouds rushed towards the east, the winds became still, the ocean turned turbulent, the quadruped listened attentively. The devils were stoned from the skies and Allah SWT said, I SWT swear by My Honour and Majesty! I SWT will Bless the thing with which  'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ  is recited ( Ad DUr Al Manthoor). Every important matter that does not begin in The Name of Allah SWT is Abtar - cut off (Baihaqi). There is nothing that outweighs  'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (Tirmidhi). The splitting of the rock whilst The Messenger recited Surah 6 v115... And The Word of your Lord will be fulfilled in Truth and Justice, nothing can alter His Words. And He SWT is The Hearer, The Knower. This verse is a tested prescription for the resolution of something difficult (Maariful Quran) Anyone who recites 70 times regularly every morning would then be preserved from shortage of sustenance - experience has shown this to be effe

  • S02 - Hajj - Umrah - The Holy Lands, Al Medina

    18/07/2024 Duration: 23min

    The Holy Lands, Al Medina A person who says Yathrib should repent and seek forgiveness (Ahmad). Whoever says Yathrib once should then say Madeenah 10 times (Bukhari). Yathrib derives from Tharb which means death and violence. By The One who Holds my Soul in His Hand! Verily, the soil of Al Medeenah cures  every disease (Razeen).

  • S01 - Hajj - Umrah - The Holy Lands

    18/07/2024 Duration: 26min

    The Holy Lands A Prelude to The Divine meeting on The Last Day Makkah ... Makk means to ruin or destroy Thus Makkah destroys sins or ruins the sinner within. A thief intends to steal from The Kaba. We heard that Isaaf and Naailah committed fornication in the Haram and were thus turned into stones (Ibn Ishaaq). The Black stone is Allah SWT's right hand on earth. Whoever touches or kisses it then as though he shakes hands with Allah SWT and kisses His Hand (Ud'Datus Saabireen). Minaa is like a womb which is narrow but Allah SWT causes it to expand just like when a woman falls pregnant (Tabarani). The Angels (as) shake hands with the pilgrims who perform Hajj on conveyances but embrace those who perform it on foot (Baihaq).

  • S02 - Sadaqat - Amongst the causes of forgiveness is to feed a hungry Muslim (Haakim).

    17/07/2024 Duration: 24min

    Amongst the causes of forgiveness is to feed a hungry Muslim (Haakim). When a person gives a Believer something to eat or drink then Allah SWT will admit him into Paradise through a gate reserved only for people like him (Tabarani). The best of you are those who give food (Ahmad). The man who hated Alee (ra), Hasan ibn Alee (ra) & Surah 6 v124. Whoever donates old clothes will be clothed with silk on The Last Day.. and whoever donates new clothes will wear the finest brocade on the Last Day (Ibn Abee Shaibah). Everyone will enjoy the shade of his Sadaqah until the work of the Judgment is complete (Ahmad). Sadaqa quenches the heat of the grave for those who give (Tabarani). Ibn Umar (ra) uses 2 tents whilst performing the pilgrimage, one within the Haram the other outside the Haram (Qurtobi). Good deeds boast of their excellence and that Sadaqa will say... I was the best of you (Haakim).

  • S01 - Sadaqah - The ignorant generous is more beloved to Allah SWT than a worshipping miser

    17/07/2024 Duration: 29min

    Moosa (ra) had laid a curse upon Samiree so that if anyone touched him then both the parties would contract fever (Mariful Quran), Surah 20 v97. The scholars believe that charity protects even a wrongdoing person (Baihqi) [as Samirree was spared execution since he was very generous and helped those in distress] (Roohul Mannee). 4 things destroy the heart Debating with fools, excessive sinning, excessive mixing with women and to sit with the dead ( a rich man has pride due to his wealth) (Ad Durr Al Manthoor). The ignorant generous is more beloved to Allah SWT than a worshipping miser (Tirmidhi).

  • S03 - Fasting & Sadaqah- Fasting has no equal (Nasaa'ee).

    17/07/2024 Duration: 26min

    The Holy Month of Ramadan and the Glorious Deed of Fasting. And for this [Paradise] let those strive, who wish to strive Surah 83 v26. Whoever Fasts the entire Month of Ramadhan with Belief and expecting reward - then all his past & future sins will be forgiven (Nasaa'ee). The Fast of Ramadhan and Fasting 3 days every month will remove the impurity and whisperings from the heart (Ahmad). Fasting has no equal (Nasaa'ee). Sadaqa & The Holy Lands Lawful wealth spent in a lawful manner washes away sins just as water washes away dirt from a rock covered in dust (Ahmad).

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