The Lively Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 252:45:03
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The Lively show is a weekly podcast designed to uplift, inspire and add a little extra presence to your everyday.


  • TLS #178: 10 mindfulness lessons from a retreat with eckhart tolle

    10/11/2016 Duration: 38min

    Two weeks ago, I spent a week in Costa Rica at a Deepening Presence retreat with Eckhart Tolle, the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth. I deeply loved the chance to spend so much time with someone who has such a strong connection to intuition/source on a daily basis. And today, I’m sharing 10 lessons that I took from the teachings which you can benefit from as well! This episode is perfect for anyone looking to learn more about mindfulness, ego, or is a big fan of Eckhart Tolle’s wisdom.     [Tweet "“The past no longer matters." - @EckhartTolle"] [Tweet "“We can use thought without it using us." - @EckhartTolle"] [Tweet "“Action with pure presence is enlightenment. " - @EckhartTolle"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   We are like a bamboo flute - when we are clear and free of ego resistance, the universe can work (or flow) through us easily. What are the positive and negative aspects of Christianity and Buddhism. Why Eckhart believes that thinking  is the biggest addi

  • TLS #177: Your questions answered: good and bad “selfishness,” intentions for kids & “having it all”

    08/11/2016 Duration: 48min

    Today’s Lively Show is a Q+A episode covering a lot of deeper questions than many recent Q+A episodes including topics like... Selfishness (the good and bad kinds), dealing with the relationship ‘sock debate’, flowing while still getting the important stuff done, how to help kids set intentions, and more. This episode is perfect for anyone who is looking to understand more about creating emotions before outcomes, parenting with Values-based intentions, or anyone looking to hear a wide range of thoughts on flow, alignment, and selfishness.     [Tweet "“Get into alignment before taking action." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Fulfillment comes from a connection from your intuition in the present moment. " - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Connect your intuition for guidance and perspective. " - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   How do you integrate your "must dos" when on the road and not in your own home while on another schedule? The logistics of selling quite nearly everything

  • TLS #176: Uncovering the deeper meaning behind intention resistance with Jennaea Gearhart

    03/11/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    Today’s show is based on another LWIO Module 4 interview with LWIO member and interior designer, Jennaea Gearhart of In the episode, Jennaea begins by sharing a Values-based intention for her wardrobe... and through our discussion we uncover a much deeper and more meaningful issue beneath the resistance to this intention. I believe that Jennaea’s story is a powerful example of how to look beyond the resistance we may have to a certain area of our life in order to uncover a more impactful issue. This episode is perfect for anyone who has resistance to living an intention in their lives and is unsure about how to move forward.   [Tweet "“Live a fully engaged life." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Stop defining yourself by the do." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   Jennaea tells us why she needed intentions in her life and how that helped her identity what her core Values are. She describes how she wanted to life her life with purpose. Jennaea t

  • TLS #175: Finding flow with a full-time job when it seems impossible with Charlotte McArthur

    27/10/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Today’s Lively Show is taking us into brand new territory Life With Intention Online territory! During each round of LWIO, we do a handful of new member stories featuring different members and how they are weaving their intentions and homework into their daily lives. … And today I’m sharing one of the new Fall 2016 LWIO member stories right here on TLS! Part interview, part coaching call, and part inspiration, I have a feeling that Charlotte (aka Charlie) McArthur’s member story is going to resonate with many TLS listeners with full-time jobs trying to find more flow in life with their families. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to hear a personal story of a parent finding more flow and excelling at their full-time job at the same time.     [Tweet "“Everyone has their own circumstances they have to work through." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“I think everything is selfishness." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“When your intuition is in charge, selfishness is positive." - @JessCLively"]   IN

  • TLS #174: The words I’m using (and not using) which are making me happier everyday

    20/10/2016 Duration: 49min

    Today’s show is all about the building blocks of a happier thought life, and ultimately happier emotions and circumstances: words. Because when it comes to mindfulness, it’s not just about meditation and the observation of our thoughts, it’s also about our conscious choice and selection of the words we use to build thoughts, which create emotions, and ultimately attract circumstances - positively and negatively into our awareness. I’ll be dishing about the obvious and the very subtle and powerful word choices that have created more high energetic states in my life which may benefit you as well. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to access higher emotional states on a more consistent basis.   [Tweet "“What I consume, affects how I feel." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“We feel more worthy for the things we appreciate than the things we’re grateful for." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Doing is not being." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   How the power of words and mindful

  • TLS #173 – My birthday wishes for biz owners, parents, college students & more

    13/10/2016 Duration: 46min

    On Saturday I turn 32. And as I’ve reflected on this past year, I thought it would be fun to share my birthday wishes for you - regardless of if it’s close your birthday right now or not. I’m sharing my wishes for those who are business owners, parents, college students, people who want to leave their jobs, people going through breakups, anyone who is feeling lonely, and more. My hope is that something shared in this episode connects with you and uplifts you in some way - big or small. : ) This episode is perfect for anyone looking to hear a bit of encouragement in any stage in their lives.   [Tweet "“You can still love each other and still move on to the next chapter." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“There are no mistakes, just wonderful lessons to learn." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“When you get your love and approval from yourself, you’re more likely to listen to what your intuition has to say." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Start asking people questions" - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND O

  • TLS #172: Your Questions Answered: challenging co-workers, loneliness, my travel budget, & more

    11/10/2016 Duration: 58min

    Today I’ve got a brand new October Q+A episode for you! This month we have a wide range of questions addressing how I’m budgeting (or not) with my travel, how to handle difficult co-workers, regulating your moods around grumpy people, how I’m coping with loneliness on this journey (hint: Wilson), and much more. As always, I’m sharing openly about things that I’m facing and things that you may be going through, too. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to hear a bit more about flow, mood regulation, book recommendations, and my budget + experience traveling solo.   [Tweet "“We all have a choice: to share our light or darkness with others, thank you for taking the time to share your light with me" - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“others can also access their intuition for guidance and get better at it over time." -  @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Be gentle on yourself." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   How are you funding all your travel? What was your last best life le

  • TLS #171: How to Get out of Fear and Back into Flow + Alignment With Gabby Bernstein

    06/10/2016 Duration: 40min

    Today’s Lively Show is with a special guest I’ve looked forward to having on the show since we started, Gabby Bernstein. Gabby is a spiritual teacher, best-selling author, and youtuber with a new book out called The Universe Has Your Back - which is a perfect compliment to what we’ve been discussing here on the show this summer about finding flow and alignment. In the episode, we’ll be talking about Gabby’s favorite tools and techniques to get back into love, flow, and alignment whenever fear takes over. This episode is perfect for anyone looking for strategies to help quickly move out of fear and get back into flow, alignment, and love on a moment-to-moment basis. [Tweet "“The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting your own strength." - @GabbyBernstein"] [Tweet "“Take action from a surrendered place." - @GabbyBernstein"] [Tweet "“Where your attention goes your energy flows." - @GabbyBernstein"] [Tweet "“Our presence is our greatest source of power." - @GabbyBernstein"] IN THIS

  • TLS #170: how to find flow with a career & family with cass mccrory

    29/09/2016 Duration: 52min

    Today’s Lively Show we are talking about how to achieve flow in your life - even if you have two kids (and a third on the way), a house, a business, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a husband! Lively Show listener and Life With Intention Online member, Cass McCrory, has a business strategy consultancy (Capra Strategy) and has a lot on her plate with her growing family. So when I first started talking about flow on the show... Cass thought it wasn’t realistic for her and her circumstances. However, after doing some deep reflection and a simple experiment, Cass discovered that she has room for 77 hours of flow in her week - and the results from this flow in her life have been profound. This episode is perfect for anyone who feels like they are a bit unsure about how they can incorporate flow into their lives - particularly if they have busy families and careers.   [Tweet "“You got to find a way to embrace more flow." - @Cass_McCrory"] [Tweet "“It can feel right to do something in one moment but not the next, a

  • TLS #169: How approval, love & external sources affect intuition

    22/09/2016 Duration: 44min

    Today on The Lively Show, we’re diving into an area that has been popping up for me personally over the summer (and in particular this past week) which many can relate to, as well. We’re going deep into our motivations to a) have the courage to ask (and follow) our intuition for guidance, and b) how to follow our intuition and be peaceful with its guidance/unanswered questions (aka: what I was not doing this week). The answer to both of these motivations may surprise you like it surprised me… so I’m excited to share it with you! This episode is perfect for anyone who is stressed out trying to follow their intuition or for those who sense some internal resistance to asking the intuition for guidance in the first place.     [Tweet "“By approving and accepting ourselves, we can begin to approve and accept the guidance from within." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Seek the love within yourself." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Loving and approving of yourself is at the core of healing from many physical and emot

  • TLS #168 – How to get out of forcing or floating and back into flow

    15/09/2016 Duration: 31min

    Today’s Lively Show topic is diving into Forcing things in our lives vs. Flowing, which we’ve been discussing in recent weeks, along with Forcing’s busy and uncertain cousin... Floating. Why? Because in some areas of our lives we may have the tendency to swim upstream, against the flow of our intuition, and in others we may find ourselves floating in one place staying so “busy” or “stuck” we can’t detect the current of the river at all. We’ll be going into each of these three approaches to life, and how to navigate between them. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about the aspects of flow, forcing, and floating - along with ways to identify which one you may be in, and how to adjust your approach accordingly at any moment in time.   [Tweet "“Floating is about allowing what is." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Floating is a way of distracting ourselves from internal alignment." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   What Force is and how it comes about when

  • TLS #167: Creating an intuition-led career & Life With Intention Online with Colleen Kavanaugh

    13/09/2016 Duration: 36min

    In honor of Life With Intention Online registration now being open (class starts this Sunday, September 18th), I have a special interview for you with Colleen Kavanaugh. Colleen is a Certified Caregiving Consultant over at I’ve gotten to know Colleen personally through Life With Intention Online and through Life With Intention Mastermind this year and am so grateful to share her story. In this episode, Colleen shares the journey that led to the intuition-led career she now has -- and the difficult (and life-giving) decade that came before this new chapter of her life. She’ll also be sharing openly about her experience with LWIO, who she believes it is a good fit for, and more. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to hear an inspiring story of someone finding true clarity with their next career path, or for anyone looking to find out if Life With Intention Online may be the right fit for them.   [Tweet "“The being is where we need to be." - @thelongestdance"] [Tweet "“Ev

  • TLS #166: Flowing With Changing Seasons & Shifting Priorities

    08/09/2016 Duration: 37min

    Today’s show is all about the surprising reality that hit me as I came back to London on the second leg of my adventure… The unexpectedly Fall-like weather in London, and the changing priorities of this journey. In fact, many of us may be going through a new season weather-wise, career-wise, relationship-wise, or other-wise… and if we are in the flow, it may catch us by surprise. In this episode, I’ll be sharing what I’ve done to stay in the flow while this shift happens and how you can do the same in any shift you may be making as well. This episode is perfect for anyone who is feeling a bit “off” in some area of their lives, or for anyone who is knowingly going through a life transition and want to stay fully present along the way.   [Tweet "“As you find your flow in your life, you will feel the season shift when it happens." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Think of this new season as a fresh-start of something new." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   How going from a summ

  • TLS #165: Flowing with families/full-time jobs, homesickness, & LWIO

    06/09/2016 Duration: 50min

    Today’s Lively Show is covering a wide array of flow related questions many listeners have shared on Instagram this September. We’ll be diving into flow in regards to families, full-time jobs, fighting through difficulties, and super long commutes. I’ll be sharing how I think flow can be applied to each of these circumstances and more. Plus, I’m also sharing what I’d take with me on a deserted island, how I’ve meshed with European locals on my travels, and what I do to eat healthy while traveling. This episode is perfect for anyone looking for a fun mix of questions and answers, or anyone who wants to hear more about how flow can apply to stable life circumstances.   PS - I wanted you to be the first to know that I will be hosting a special intention setting workshop this Thursday (9/8) - Be sure to save yourself a spot by clicking here.    [Tweet "“Personal Growth is letting go of resistance in my life." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE I'll ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS   What do you love most ab

  • TLS #164: Simple + Difficult, Easy + Complicated

    01/09/2016 Duration: 31min

    Today’s show is all about the difference in lifestyle I’ve noticed between the new format of my life and travels, compared to how things were when I was living in my home in “life as usual” before this trip. For me, life now is simpler and more difficult, and before I left it was easier and more complicated. In the episode, I’m sharing what the difference between each way of life are, which version I prefer, and what you can do to infuse more of the elements that resonate with you in your life - whether you are traveling much or not at all. This episode is perfect for anyone looking for a thought provoking reflection on how our lifestyle choices please and challenge us to grow in meaningful ways.     [Tweet "“Sometimes you need the complicated in order to know you want the simpler." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   How I made certain shifts in my life and how they made my life extremely simple. How thinking and using language when you are emerged in different c

  • TLS #163: Alignment Before Action

    25/08/2016 Duration: 27min

    In today’s Lively Show, I’m sharing the career shift I’ve been making over the past 4-6 months that has resulted in some amazing and effective results. I’m talking about making a shift from the “effort and action” mentality that is commonly spoken about in personal development and entrepreneurship spaces and replacing it with “alignment before action.” This episode is perfect for anyone who is interested in trying a new approach to work and life that may result in more fun, flow, and effectiveness -- with less stress and burnout.     IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   Why I ask the question, "What if we didn’t have to try so hard in our life to get the same results?" What if we focus on our flow and alignment with our intuition first before taking action? Why I spent 80% of my mornings making sure I was aligned so the remaining 20% of my actions were used writing my book. How meditation in the morning has helped keep my alignment and flow in check. How writing to my intu

  • TLS #162: A Lively Adventure – What Knowing Feels Like (& What To Do When You Don’t Know)

    18/08/2016 Duration: 34min

    Today’s Lively episode is the first “Adventure” now that I’m back in the US! As I’m here once again, my ego wants to know where I’ll live, or at least when I’ll know where I want to live... ASAP. But the truth is: I don’t have any intuition about that right now. As I live in this murky place of uncertainty, I’m sharing the two biggest things I’m focusing on, which also apply to anyone else going through a phase of unknowing in relationships, career, or otherwise. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to know what “knowing” feels like, or for anyone who is in a phase of “not knowing” at the moment and wants some direction and clarity for this season of life.     [Tweet "“Practice and all is coming." - Sri K. Pattabhi Jois"] [Tweet "“Where we want to go is with the Flow." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   How I’m learning to handle integrating the new experiences I had abroad with the familiar experiences I’ve had before the trip. My unanswered question of

  • TLS #161: My Top 10 Lessons From My “Lively Adventure”

    11/08/2016 Duration: 38min

    This is my first week back in the States! (Talk about “all the feels.”) Before leaving in May, I was most curious to know how this trip would “change me” - since so many people said extended international travel would do just that. Well, today I’m reflecting on the top 10 lessons I’ve learned - and what I think I’m going to do in my life (based on this experience) going forward. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to learn more about the lessons I’ve learned this summer which apply to us all, near or abroad.           IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   10. Follow your intuition, even when things feel uncertain. 9. How to use flow to direct my adventures. 8. Internal alignment is greater than external expectations. (following other people’s flow is not going to work for me). 7. Sometimes the Flowing gets tough. 6. Sometimes there’s a dip after a really, really great period. 5. Your skills and values can never be taken away. 4. Pain happens, suffering is

  • TLS #160: Your Questions Answered – intuition resistance, budget, reentry & my next adventure

    09/08/2016 Duration: 39min

    It’s time time again for… Questions + Answers... August edition! We are covering a whole bunch of “bits and bobs” (my new favorite Britishism) today. There are lots of travel questions, intuition writing queries, more international dating stuff, and more. So let’s dive in, shall we? This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to tap into their intuition more (and might be facing some resistance), wants to learn how I’ve approached this open ended travel (phone bills, etc.), or wants to know what it’s been like to date people from different cultures while traveling.     [Tweet "“I do what brings me joy, and leave the rest." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   What kind of cell phone plan do you have while traveling? How are you bringing pleasure to your life while traveling without your usual comforts (candles and nice bedding etc) with being out of routine. And what have you found best and worst about traveling solo-ish? What caused you to follow a strictly gl

  • TLS #159: A Lively Adventure: Our emotions do not equal our circumstances

    04/08/2016 Duration: 28min

    Today’s Lively Show is going into a subject that I’m fascinated by: the connection (or disconnection) between circumstances and emotions. This is some new territory on TLS, we have touched on emotions briefly in this episode with Brooke Castillo, and today I’m going deeper into how we can chose to positively shift our emotions despite circumstances that would normally “dictate” otherwise. And, how by choosing positive emotions before things happen, situations unfold in better than “expected.” This episode is perfect for anyone who is looking to have more positive feelings and less emotional reactivity to circumstances (or other people’s emotions) in their lives.   [Tweet "“Our emotions are triggered by our circumstances." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“We can only be the light, and wait for them to ask how we shine." - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   Even though our circumstances can vary, our access to different emotions is relatively limited. The scale of emotions (s

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