The Lively Show

TLS #173 – My birthday wishes for biz owners, parents, college students & more



On Saturday I turn 32. And as I’ve reflected on this past year, I thought it would be fun to share my birthday wishes for you - regardless of if it’s close your birthday right now or not. I’m sharing my wishes for those who are business owners, parents, college students, people who want to leave their jobs, people going through breakups, anyone who is feeling lonely, and more. My hope is that something shared in this episode connects with you and uplifts you in some way - big or small. : ) This episode is perfect for anyone looking to hear a bit of encouragement in any stage in their lives.   [Tweet "“You can still love each other and still move on to the next chapter." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“There are no mistakes, just wonderful lessons to learn." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“When you get your love and approval from yourself, you’re more likely to listen to what your intuition has to say." - @JessCLively"] [Tweet "“Start asking people questions" - @JessCLively"]   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND O