The Lively Show

TLS #161: My Top 10 Lessons From My “Lively Adventure”



This is my first week back in the States! (Talk about “all the feels.”) Before leaving in May, I was most curious to know how this trip would “change me” - since so many people said extended international travel would do just that. Well, today I’m reflecting on the top 10 lessons I’ve learned - and what I think I’m going to do in my life (based on this experience) going forward. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to learn more about the lessons I’ve learned this summer which apply to us all, near or abroad.           IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   10. Follow your intuition, even when things feel uncertain. 9. How to use flow to direct my adventures. 8. Internal alignment is greater than external expectations. (following other people’s flow is not going to work for me). 7. Sometimes the Flowing gets tough. 6. Sometimes there’s a dip after a really, really great period. 5. Your skills and values can never be taken away. 4. Pain happens, suffering is