The Lively Show

TLS #167: Creating an intuition-led career & Life With Intention Online with Colleen Kavanaugh



In honor of Life With Intention Online registration now being open (class starts this Sunday, September 18th), I have a special interview for you with Colleen Kavanaugh. Colleen is a Certified Caregiving Consultant over at I’ve gotten to know Colleen personally through Life With Intention Online and through Life With Intention Mastermind this year and am so grateful to share her story. In this episode, Colleen shares the journey that led to the intuition-led career she now has -- and the difficult (and life-giving) decade that came before this new chapter of her life. She’ll also be sharing openly about her experience with LWIO, who she believes it is a good fit for, and more. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to hear an inspiring story of someone finding true clarity with their next career path, or for anyone looking to find out if Life With Intention Online may be the right fit for them.   [Tweet "“The being is where we need to be." - @thelongestdance"] [Tweet "“Ev