The Lively Show

TLS #163: Alignment Before Action



In today’s Lively Show, I’m sharing the career shift I’ve been making over the past 4-6 months that has resulted in some amazing and effective results. I’m talking about making a shift from the “effort and action” mentality that is commonly spoken about in personal development and entrepreneurship spaces and replacing it with “alignment before action.” This episode is perfect for anyone who is interested in trying a new approach to work and life that may result in more fun, flow, and effectiveness -- with less stress and burnout.     IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT   Why I ask the question, "What if we didn’t have to try so hard in our life to get the same results?" What if we focus on our flow and alignment with our intuition first before taking action? Why I spent 80% of my mornings making sure I was aligned so the remaining 20% of my actions were used writing my book. How meditation in the morning has helped keep my alignment and flow in check. How writing to my intu