Career Strategist for Parents, Ally Loprete is on a mission to bring 1 million parents home. CALL IN LIVE with your challenging questions! Tuesdays at noon PST 800-449-8686
Mom Business Leaders... Join the Revolution!
10/05/2016 Duration: 59minThe global trend that was started by Mom Fed up with a world that demands that women earn half of their family's household income, but refuses to pay them equally and penalizes them for having children... it's no wonder that Moms have started their own businesses in record numbers. Congratulations. We've rewritten the cultural American landscape. Whether you realize it or not, you have contributed to the movement that changed work and family life in revolutionary ways. While corporations were scratching their heads, 30 million women were creating new wealth and contributing to a surge of global employment opportunities for the last 10 years. The "Mom" movement has grown exponentially...and is STILL experiencing growing pains. Still, there is some disappointment. (Don't worry. You are NOT the only one!) Many mom(no apostrophe)s in business are still not earning what they had hoped to when they were first bitten by the entrepreneur bug. Everywhere you look there is another social media pal trying to get your
Positive Thinking... Is it all just a bunch of hooey?
03/05/2016 Duration: 01h48sMy friend, David Essel, doesn't believe in the power of positive thinking... WHAT?! Why would I entertain such a preposterous idea??? Because I love David. --AND--because he's always been an amazing guest in the past, I will always welcome him on our show. BUT I gotta admit, I am intrigued by what the title of his new book suggests. I am skeptical because positive thinking has always been my biggest intention--- with EVERYTHING. Have I had it wrong all along? With an open mind today, we are going to find out. The bold title of his book is this: “Positive Thinking Will NEVER Change Your Life… But This Book Will!” With 30 years of work in the field of personal growth, David Essel is the author of 9 books on self-realization. He promises to reveal why the real ‘’secret to success’’ requires much more than positive thinking, affirmations or vision boards, and that no one ever changed their lives through positive thinking alone. One thing I know for sure... David is the real deal. He cares about our self-de
Breaking Small: How Everyday Small Businesses Can Create Extraordinary Income!
26/04/2016 Duration: 59minTime to Get Profitable Tired of being busy... and broke? You could be totally driven, a complete firecracker when it comes to good intentions, and well-meaning in all of your (aggressive?) sales tactics.... but if you are not profitable, you aren't going to be able to sustain your momentum. Period. Time for (a loving) reality check! If you are serious about creating self-sustaining F-R-E-E-D-O-M and the kind of income that allows you to live the at-home lifestyle you see in all of the bogus memes featuring happy toddlers with their laptop happy's time to get real about STRATEGY. Your small business has more potential ---AND YOU KNOW IT. Self-employment is just as competitive these days as corporate employment. However, when you are your own boss, YOU are always in charge of your path, your profits and your potential. There is NO LIMIT to what you can accomplish by anyone else's standards. YOU control how much time that you work, how you structure your business, how you create value for the clients
How Entrepreneurship Can Make You a Better Parent
19/04/2016 Duration: 59minThink Like an Entrepreneur and Improve Your Parenting Skills Parenting with ease... sounds like a fantasy doesn't it? The truth is--- parenting is NOT so different than entrepreneurship. Becoming the boss of your own business and adopting leadership qualities can and will improve upon your parenting style. Be Present in All Areas of Your Life! How you show up as an entrepreneur lays the groundwork for how you show up as a parent. By following your dreams and ambitions, you are giving your kids permission to do the same. Plus, it gives your kids the opportunity to become critical thinkers and problem solvers simply by allowing them to watch your process. On Today's Show I always learn so much from the amazing Jay Forte! He'll be returning to the show today to speak on the following: ✔︎ What makes a successful entrepreneur is one who is tuned in, aware and watching their world for opportunities. ✔︎ How we become more aware is through the "Be Present Process" with 5 small words that change our view and outlo
How to Author Your Own Book--- and have Killer success!
12/04/2016 Duration: 59minI'm finally doing it. Last week I was offered my very first book publishing contract. For years others tried to convince me to write a book, but I was never quite in the mood. My publicist, television and radio partners, managers and colleagues in my industry all had the same tough love lecture for me. " You need a book. It will make a big difference in helping you reach personal and professional goals." I wasn't so easy to convince. The truth is I was still licking my wounds from five years earlier. I had enthusiastically signed a contract with a reputable literary agent and dedicated myself to 11 grueling months of writing a 60 page book proposal. After more than 18 rounds of edits, the proposal was ultimately rejected by every major publisher that we pitched it to. In a snap, all my big visions, hope of a big pay off (big paycheck!) and sleepless late night editing sessions were brushed aside without matter. I felt disregarded, abandoned and WASTED. So much precious time had been squandered. I NEVER want
Feeling the Energy of Spring and Love
05/04/2016 Duration: 59minSpring is here and so are happy days. It's the season of sunny weather, flying frisbees, birds singing, bees buzzing and people falling madly in love. Time to soak up the sunshine and its many healing properties! While history shows us that spring is associated with growth and renewal, there is scientific merit that Spring puts pep in your step! According to recent discoveries in neuroscience, the extra hours of daylight have a direct result to helping our brains increase in production of DOPAMINE... the kick ass chemical in your brain that makes you feel and do happy things... whatever they may be. (Reference: Urban Dictionary). A Time for New Beginnings It's the time of year where energy levels are boosted, curiosity and sense of adventure is heightened, and new ideas are brimming for all the budding artists, entrepreneurs and thought leaders. You may notice that your children are suddenly more inclined to figure things out, problem solve and (uh oh...) push boundaries. Take a lesson from your little ment
How to get a Slam Dunk in Self Promotion & Publicity
29/03/2016 Duration: 59minThere is an absolute science to effective publicity and promotion. I've been teaching solopreneurs how to promote and publicize themselves since before the invention of the Internet. A lot has changed. While the digital resources available to us now far exceed what we could do before the digital age, one thing that has not changed is the mental struggle people have to self-promote. Get passed the AWKWARDNESS... Whether you are networking in person or on social media, telling others how great your product or service is might feel a bit like bragging. It also feels like (most of the time) it's falling on deaf ears. You must be missing something. You see others receiving big time results doing all the same things that are bringing you little to no results. The secret? It's not a numbers game. It's a PEOPLE game. When broadcasting your message, don't confuse the ability to cast a wider net with the need to CONNECT and understand WHO is in need of your service in the first place. Call Me Old School, but... It'
The Mom(preneur) guide to better time management
22/03/2016 Duration: 58minNot everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. I admit that it was always a bit irritating to hear an arrogant (and intolerant) business guru insinuate that we all have a CHOICE in how we manage our time. If you are a work-at-home mom, you know that these apparent rules of time do not apply to YOU. If you are a mom with YOUNG children, you may feel like you are living in an alternate universe where 10 hours back on earth translates into a mere 30 minutes on Planet Mom. Yep, finding the time to work in your home business while raising a family might possibly the biggest paradox there is. Not all hours are the same ....and neither are the children. Sure, there may be some children who were born able to happily entertain themselves while you sit behind your laptop. (I personally haven't met any of them, but I hear that they exist SOMEWHERE...) What is more common (and less talked about) is the temper-tantrum throwing toddlers (like my oldest) who wouldn't hear of it. Attempting to work while parenting one of t
How to Develop Qualities of Improved Consciousness
15/03/2016 Duration: 59min"Men need to learn how to be in touch with their feelings, but not ruled by them." - Dr. John Gray, Author of Men are from Mars Women are from Venus Holding Ourselves to a Higher Standard As parents, business leaders and soul seekers we feel called to a purpose and therefore we must learn to recognize the importance of standing in full integrity in all that we do. Curiosity is a conduit for moving forward, but ultimate results involves learning to make choices for how we show up, honor ourselves and create stories that validate the essence of our most authentic selves. In other words, our ability to achieve our highest potential means choosing to have an unfiltered connection to our minds and higher level of consciousness. Consciousness is no longer just for Women Being able to experience a deeper bond of mindfulness is now being explored by both genders, however, the way the experience is translated takes on different properties depending on the identifiable gender. Both men AND women desire a deeper lev
More Bonus Content for PARENTS!!
11/03/2016 Duration: 01h00sAs one of the most influential woman business leaders of our generation, Ally Loprete is paving the way for thousands of mom and dad entrepreneurs with her successful new business model, built entirely for the stay-at-home parent. This show proves that anyone can be successful in business – even when making family the number 1 priority. If you are aching for the freedom to work on your own terms, be fully present with your kids without the overwhelm, and make money while the kids are napping, THIS LITTLE PARENT STAYED HOME, on iHeart America’s Talk Radio, reaching more than 6 million weekly listeners and airing 5 days a week, will give you the tools you need. Filled with tips and tricks for making less hours more productive, you’ll learn how to generate real profit producing results each and every time.
Change the World--- Right From Your Home!
08/03/2016 Duration: 59minParent-preneurship: All for Sport! Now you've done it. You've set a powerful trend in motion and now the world wants to see you cross that finish line. There is no turning back progress. The " big bang" forces at work have changed the way the world sees us as parents and entrepreneurs. YOU are their Reality Star. Onlookers LOVE to follow you. They are rooting for you to earn an income without sacrificing precious family time and are dedicated to watching HOW you make it all work despite all that you might have working against you. The world loves a good success story! If there is one thing that sells-- it's the "rags to riches" narrative... much more than the story of the easy path paved with an inheritance. The more pitfalls, the more interesting the episode. If you are challenged by road blocks, lack of funds or a broken spirit... you likely have more cheerleaders in your corner than you realize! This could only mean one thing--- your stumbling blocks are VALUABLE and you can use them to win over the wor
Turn those What-if Woes into What if Wows
01/03/2016 Duration: 59minNeed to make some quick changes in your life? You already have access to every tool you could ever need to shift your mindset and alter your vibration! Whether you are knee deep in the chaos of day-to-day parenting, in a disagreement with a business partner or just plain stuck in a place of hopelessness... you can turn it all around... RIGHT NOW. Here are a few ways to alter your vibration by first becoming self aware of negative thought patterns: Destroy that Downward Spiral! When you find yourself hyper-focused on something negative, force yourself to do something completely different that will distract your attention away from it. Excessive worry is NEVER productive... because it's not rational or solution-oriented. Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them. Once you have identified the negative thoughts that are not serving you, simply DETACH yourself. (I know. I know. Easier said than done.) Recognize your REACTIONARY thoughts and SQUASH them! "He is being quiet. He MUST be a
Overcoming Those Inspirational Killers
23/02/2016 Duration: 59minSelf Criticism: The #1 Creative Obstacle Enough with the guilt, already. I'll be the first to admit that overcoming self-doubt isn't the easiest task, but backing down in defeat is Not. An. Option. Not when it comes to making meaningful progress in our lives and in the contributions we are making to the self-employment industry. Yes, I said it. YOU are responsible for the Economic Revolution. We all are. We can no longer deny our place in this world as leaders of new thought and new progress. Isn't it time that we all push ourselves over the limit and especially past our limiting beliefs? We must make the commitment to procuring change and recognize when our pre-existing beliefs are self-sabotaging us, causing us to doubt and slow down our momentum. Doubt is our OPPORTUNITY to confront fear with courage. It's time that we stand up to those who underestimate us or dismiss us. Anyone who thinks we are nuts will just give us more reason to prove them wrong. I want to live in a world that I can proudly pass
Ally's in the HOT SEAT with Jeff
17/02/2016 Duration: 01h01sBonus Material! This was an extra recorded hour in the studio where Jeff coached Ally with total transparency. No topic was off limits, and there was a lot of discussion about how to utilize the tools that Jeff uses with his clients for self improvement.
Overcome ANYTHING. (...and teach your kids do do the same.)
09/02/2016 Duration: 01h03sAchieving Great Success Starts With a Bit of Reprogramming. Much like the butterfly that has the ability to alter the weather with a simple flap of its wings, we have the power to create change…within ourselves, in the children we raise, in the businesses we build, and in the world we live in. It all starts with a simple mindshift. (simple... really?) Yes. Really. Believe in MAGIC. Whether you incorporate energy work, energy psychology, positive thinking, spirituality or simply a sense of conducting conscious business, you are essentially taking resources within yourself and applying them to your work. This process not only benefits YOU and your business but the world around you...including your children. Do you dare? Or do you delay? As parents living in a culture that expects us to be all things to everyone- including ourselves- we often don’t know where to start. When I first began this journey as a self-employed stay-at-home Mom, I was not only looking for a way to provide for my children that did n
Tears of an Idealist
02/02/2016 Duration: 01h01sHere's to the criers. I had a bad day last week. Nothing significantly terrible happened... nothing that would leave any lasting scars... but nonetheless, it was a tougher day than usual. We all have them. I felt compelled to do a video journal of what I was feeling and before really knowing the reason behind my action, I posted it on Facebook. My "Ugly Cry" video generated quite a wide variety of responses. Some commented on my bravery, others made it known that the video made them uncomfortable. How do you react when you see someone else cry? "There is sacredness in tears. They are not a mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than that of ten thousand tongues." - Washington Irving A quest to civilize tears. Is crying a sign of strength or weakness? Depending on the origin, good cries can lead to major breakthroughs, big innovations, a much needed release of pressure and great success stories. While crying can come from a feeling of low self worth and hopelessness, it can also be
BONUS MATERIAL: Protect Your Vibration!
28/01/2016 Duration: 01h01sBonus hour recorded for iHeart Radio's America's Talk. Phone lines were open for callers to share their questions and challenges. Ally guided them toward valuable solutions. We talked about how important it is to protect your vibration and not allow anyone to step into your space and cause you doubt. Often we are the ones who are battling the conversations in our minds that tell us we are not good enough and bring about large amounts of guilt. This show provided real answers for moms who are deep in their own shame.
How to Think Like a Parent Powerhouse
26/01/2016 Duration: 01h09sParents, you really are SUPER HUMAN! I have to keep reminding you of this because I don't think you QUITE GET IT. It seems every day I am talking with a mom or a dad who is feeling incompetent and insufficient. These same days I see resilient parents problem-solving and thinking creatively to make significant improvements in the world. Either there is a large divide between the exceptional and the inadequate, or there is still a large percentage of you who are still not giving yourself the credit that you deserve. It's all about the MINDSET. Being aware of your own mood is half the battle. Learning to adjust yourself and react in a positive manner is the other half. How self-aware are you? Check yourself against this list: 1. Are you in alignment? When you are in "The Happy Zone" problems won't phase you. Even before a solution completely manifests itself, those who are in balance and harmony are able to surrender and allow situations to unfold with the greatest of ease. On the contrary, when you can't se
Tormentors make the best Mentors
19/01/2016 Duration: 01h16sThe toughest moments are the ones that GROW YOU... You know what I am talking about. The growth moments... the ones that we appreciate more than anything once it's all over and we can look back with a good laugh and an "Aha!" --- but while you are still in it, you feel like clawing your own eyes out. My worst "mommy" moments are the teachable ones for me and my little guys. We are so totally in this together, and we make a great team...but we certainly have our fair share of dark times. Look for the lesson Without the dark times, we wouldn't strive for the good ones. Whenever you find yourself getting twitchy and tormented, open up your consciousness to received guidance from the situation. What can be learned from this? You wouldn't be that amazing beacon of light to a friend in need unless you yourself had once been in a dark space. You can't be a teacher unless you were once a student. You can't succeed unless you have truly known what it was like to fail. The Players in your world are your Profes
Emotional Family Fitness
12/01/2016 Duration: 01h01sPower Up Your Inner Healing Potential! About 15 years ago I woke up with a crick in my neck. What I expected to be a small annoyance that would diminish in a few days lasted an incapacitating and excruciating long 4 years. Like a cancer, the pain spread to the other side of my neck and into both shoulders and became so unbearable that often I couldn't work or drive. Desperate for reprieve, I spent an ungodly amount of money on pain institutes, chiropractors, massage therapists and acupuncturists. Nothing worked. After 4 years, I began to forget what it was like to live in a pain-free body. The pain had BECOME me. I never would have believed it. Eventually the cure showed up in the most unexpected way. It came in the form of a book that my husband found in the library called "Mind Over Back Pain" written by Dr. Sarno, which suggested that the root of my pain was being caused --- not by an injury or a disease--- but from my own emotional baggage. (WHAT?!) Further suggestion was that the pain was my body's