Career Strategist for Parents, Ally Loprete is on a mission to bring 1 million parents home. CALL IN LIVE with your challenging questions! Tuesdays at noon PST 800-449-8686
Parenting Your Kids and Your SOUL
09/01/2016 Duration: 01h01sAwaken Your Inner Rebel! It's common for modern parents to become so engulfed in the tasks of parenthood that they forget to nurture themselves. This is serious, people! Some parents, when asked what they are personally passionate about don't even remember how to answer the question! If this is you... we need to talk! Today's amazing guest is the lovely Sheereen Thor here to guide an important discussion for all moms looking to make a difference. Not only is it POSSIBLE to be a good parent and serve your own passionate soul at the same time--- it's IMPERATIVE that you do so! Meet Shereen Thor! Shereen Thor is the founder of Awaken The Rebel, a movement that helps people who feel disenchanted with their lives to stop settling for less and awaken their inner rebellious spirit so that they can live an extraordinary life by their design. Born a creative type she learned early on in her traditional Egyptian upbringing that if she wasn’t a doctor, lawyer, or engineer than she would inevitably amount to nothing.
Celebration Time!!
15/12/2015 Duration: 01h06sSO MUCH TO CELEBRATE! It's our last live show of 2015... and IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!! And... in honor of another incredible year together... I have lots of surprises to announce, and loads of free gifts! Speaking of gifts... Tune in for our BEST TIPS for GIFT GIVING! We'll be covering the BEST way to give your spouse/ partner a gift this holiday season...and forever more. What does HE/SHE REALLY want you to get them, that they would never tell you themselves? This is FLAWLESS advice that will have your partner singing your praises every time. A LIFETIME of Retrospect What is in AN AGE? On the 42nd day of my birth, I have many realizations. I don't feel nearly as old as I thought I would 20 years ago. Why is that? I feel... youthful, fit, excited about being alive, and AGELESS. The benefits of being more "experienced" in life far outweighs having a few more expression lines on my face. I can't imagine a more meaningful place to stand than in the spot I am in right at this very moment. Happiness truly is the Meas
Work-At-Home J.O.B.S - Do they exist?
08/12/2015 Duration: 01h07sEscaping the Rat Race For many parents, home is where the heart is. If you have ever wondered about an easier way to bring home the bacon... one that didn't involve unbearable bosses, long commutes and expensive've picked a great time to wonder. Now more than ever, the desire to work from home is a sign of the times. Parents are fed up with having little say in how they spend their time and they are no longer willing to sacrifice their precious family time for a paycheck. Trends have changed the way that we think about work and its effect on our lives. Corporations who were once skeptical of letting their employees have the freedom to work from a home office have since become more flexible. Over time studies have proven that teleworkers were happier, more engaged in their work, and more productive overall. It's FINALLY working out in our favor. More Telecommuting... A growing number of Corporations believe that telecommuting is a good deal for them as it reduces overhead expenses, allows ac
How to be Healthy AND Happy during the Holidays
01/12/2015 Duration: 01h05sThe choice to DEPRIVE or DELIGHT yourself... It's the season of parties, eating yourself into a coma and cookie exchanges galore. Why does it feel like we have to choose between the either/or of torturing our physical bodies or denying them any fun during the most celebrated time of the year? For 10 months out of the year, I am committed to a very healthy lifestyle. During the last 2 months of the year, I am equally committed to the exact opposite. It's the only time that I eat and drink whatever I want without the worry of the carb, caloric or fat content. I usually pay for it with an extra 6 pounds... which is what I expect going in...but is it REALLY worth it? You can have it... but do you really WANT it? Even though I will grant myself several weeks of sweet and rich food galore, I usually can't last more than a few days of excessiveness. No matter how hard I try to commit to an over indulgent diet of sugar, fat and alcohol--- I end up caving. Cheating on cheating. I can actually feel my body pleadi
Parental Shagology... Let's Get it On.
24/11/2015 Duration: 01h04sAre our kids... Obstructing our Couplehood? Before you blame those little intimacy interrupters for taking away your "just us" time, statistics show that the longer we are married, the less frequently we do it. So while finding yourself in bed next to your partner year after year is important, proximity isn’t everything. Even if you are getting it on several times a week, marital sex loses its heat over time. It's okay. EVERYTHING loses heat over time. As human beings we become ho-hum about just about everything in our lives. Anything that might be thrilling at first (new car, new job, new house, new toys) lessens as our nervous system adapts so that new thing isn’t so stimulating anymore. Get your intimacy back on track The good news is that the sexual spark doesn’t have to go out just because you’ve been together for--you know-- ages. Start with TALKING about it. Seriously. Like beyond “wanna?” and “no, go away.” Show a little tenderness, fold some laundry and TALK. Then ACT. Vavoom. There IS a PURPOSE..
Are Distractions Derailing Your Life?
17/11/2015 Duration: 01h28sShiny Objects ? Look away! Distractions can destroy your very best intentions and leave you wondering, “What the #%@& happened?” Over time, the impact on your business and your life can be disheartening…or devastating. Is Multi-Tasking Making us Dumb? According to new research conducted at Stanford University, multi-tasking is changing the structure of our brains and is LESS productive than staying focused on one single action at a time. In some cases mutli-tasking is LOWERING our IQs. No wonder we feel like we are losing our minds...RIGHT?! Let's get (re) Focused! Time to heal your cognitive and social well being. Let's give you some powerful tools to do just that! On Today's Show... (Oh Boy! Are YOU in for a treat.) The magnificent Ellen Rohr will be joining us in the studio to teach us how to DESTROY those DISTRACTIONS before they DEVASTATE! Get ready to take notes...this hour will be an entire course! What you'll learn today: ✔︎ 3 Simple Tools for identifying your distractions and stayin
Fight, flight ... or FLOW.
10/11/2015 Duration: 01h01sHow do YOU deal with life's hardest circumstances? What doesn't kill us makes us stronger... but only if we CHOOSE to respond in a way that propels us forward. We DO have a choice. Tragedy of any kind can change us, traumatize us and cause us to go the rest of our lives fearing the unexpected. ---Or--- It could quite possibly make our lives... BETTER. Imagine the bottom dropping out of your uncomplicated life. Sure, we complain about our imperfect lives: The bills piling up, careers not meeting our expectations, the kids acting up, the in-laws coming to visit... But it's rare that any of these day-to-day "challenges" wake us up and demand that we grab hold of a drastically different perspective. How LOSS leads to the embracing of LIFE. When her husband of 9 years was killed in a small plane crash, leaving her with children just 1 and 3, Michelle Steinke-Baumgard saw it as a REVELATION. Embracing her love of fitness, she utilized the healing properties of her own endorphins as a tool for her personal grie
Are Dads ... the new MOMS?
03/11/2015 Duration: 59minParticipating Papas The dad involvement is so evident in my community that we hardly question the presence of a man among the mommy's anymore. Whether it's changing diapers, staying up late to care for a sick child, coaching a team or participating in the PTA, modern dads have made it a priority to show up for their families more than in any other generation. Fatherhood is Alive and Well The role of "Dad" has changed and so have our expectations. My husband comes home after a long work day and cleans dishes, folds laundry, and helps with homework. My co-host, Jeff is self-employed but goes into full Daddy mode as soon as school lets out. "Mr. Mom" is no longer a punchline because it's become more socially acceptable for a dad to wear his title proudly. Reinventing Dads Although modern fatherhood has brought about more family involvement, that isn't all that has changed. Get to know the dads on your neighborhood playground and you'll see that (much like modern moms) dads too have vision. They are passiona
Revolutionary Discoveries in Your Dreams
27/10/2015 Duration: 59minTransformative Living Through the Art of Dream Tending Dreams FASCINATE me. As a lucid dreamer, it isn't at all uncommon for me to wake up in the morning with the intense desire to share my unconscious nighttime experiences with my husband. "I had the craziest dream last night!" Vivid and colorful, I am often visited by a vibrant array of familiar characters who are easily interchangeable with one another, dramatic landscapes, impossibly magnificent architectures, and mysteriously challenging scenarios. With dreams so action-packed and compelling, it's no wonder I love to sleep! I like to believe that our dreams are gifts.... Filled with a deep wisdom that is far greater than our waking consciousness, dreams invite us to play in a bigger reality than the one we live in. Although sleep is a state of deep surrender, our subconscious minds can't help but show up creatively and create stories with images and emotions that are so unique and poetic we often can't transcribe them through language. Our dreams are
What makes you... YOU???
13/10/2015 Duration: 59minThe TRUTH will make you laugh... and set you on fire. I met Beth Lapides many moons ago. I was pre-motherhood, insecure and deeply obsessed with my acting career. She was the director of a spoken word comedy workshop in Hollywood, which was a fast-trending process for spotlight whores like me. The course was an exercise in both self-loathing and self-loving....if that is even possible. Over the years it has become a widely effective method for artists, writers, performers and comics to develop unique material based on their own painfully disastrous experiences. Therapeutic, revealing ...aaaaaaaand a bit narcissistic. I will never forget getting up on the stage to tell a pathetic and humiliating true encounter of how I was chased off of a poppy reservation by a man in uniform... over a misunderstanding... about where I was allowed--- and NOT ALLOWED --- to walk. What had me in tears only days earlier now had Beth (as well as my classmates) in stitches. One person's pain is another's entertainment. While givi
Getting Your Money Crap Together
06/10/2015 Duration: 01h10sLadies, why are we so DUMB about money? Yeah... I said it. We're kind of freaky and awkward about it. I've been wanting to have a show in regards to our issues about MONEY for awhile, but now that my co-host Jeff Stein is in the house, we can begin to unravel the big mystery about money itself...from the gender perspective. What is it about MONEY that Men can see, but Women can't? Men typically OVER value themselves while women UNDER value themselves. Until Recently. Women are REALLY trying to shift this paradigm by making their voices loud and clear when it comes to equal pay and gender equality--- but for so many, money issues are still intensely deep rooted. Therefore publicly expressing our self worth is only part of the formula that will result in earning equal paychecks. We have to BELIEVE it to achieve it, right? So what are we REALLY so hung up on? Men have no shame talking about money...IN DETAIL. They ask each other for advice, share tips they’ve picked up, invest together. THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO
Scaring you to LIFE
29/09/2015 Duration: 01h01sOn Today's Show... We continue the "TOXIC TALK" for parents who may feel overwhelmed by everything from the water we drink to the air we breathe. The human body can only take so much. In addition, our brains can only process so much information about what we consume and why we are already doomed the moment we leave the womb. It's no wonder we want to bury our heads in the sand and pretend everything is peachy. Welcome to the new health conversation. For over a decade Health and Wellness Expert and Researcher, Peter Greenlaw, has studied and worked with some of the top researchers in the world. His research includes the effects on human and environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, being overweight and stress. Peter talks about how pesticides and toxic chemicals move from our food and water into our bodies, and provides solutions to toxicity and how to get rid of it. Now he connects the dots showing how the interconnections of these four health-robbing co-factors- are leading us into this syndrome call
Turn HYPER into HEALTHY: Natural Remedies for Kids and Adults
22/09/2015 Duration: 01h07s“ADHD is the primary cause of divorce today.” —John Gray, printed in USA Today Research shows that ADHD is the #1 neurological disorder in children and teens in the U. S. and the disorder continues into adulthood. Undiagnosed, this could be negatively impacting your health in other ways -- such as poor nutrition, inability to focus, sleep deprivation, inability to stay on task, and much more. Symptoms include patterns of behavior that affect your relationships (especially your marriage), memory issues, constant nagging, intimacy problems, sudden anger, and inability to communicate. You may have ADHD and not even know it. The truth is that most people have some form of ADHD in our current society -- men more than women -- but with better understanding of WHAT it is and WHY this is an increasing epidemic in today's world, we can naturally reverse the symptoms in our children and in ourselves. The ability to maintain focus is needed in all areas of our lives, but it is most important to our relationships. FOC
How to be a TOP EARNER in Network Marketing
15/09/2015 Duration: 01h06sWhy all the hype about Network Marketing? Also referred to as Multi-level Marketing (MLM) and Direct selling (DSA), Network Marketing is a method of marketing goods and services to consumers which has created business opportunities for more than 18 million Americans in every state, congressional district and community in the country while generating $34 billion ($114 billion globally) in revenue each year. Ninety percent of direct selling consultants work fewer than 30 hours a week and the industry shows no signs of diminishment. No WONDER this industry attracts so many parents who are looking to replace their corporate incomes with something more flexible! But are they successful? Building fortunes... or flops? The biggest question for many seems to be the confusion of the wage gap between the highest and the lowest earners. If the income earning potential is the same for everyone, then why is it that SOME network marketers earn tens of thousands every month while others (who seem to work every bit as ha
Comedy and Consiousness
08/09/2015 Duration: 01h02sEnergetic Cleansing... with LAUGHTER. As Summer shifts into Fall we find ourselves in another state of transition. Some parents are breathing sighs of relief as the kids go back to school while others are experiencing "empty nest" or end of Summer blues. Keeping small business careers consistent and expansive might be an added struggle this time of year. The best way to cope? LAUGH. Is there ever a better way to create balance & harmony than through comedy? HAPPINESS IS THE NEW PRODUCTIVITY!! If reaching optimal health and wellness is your goal, it's probably best to skip the grumbling and instead make the conscious choice to add more laughing. Ten reasons to chuckle your way through the day: 1. Laughter fosters a boosted immune system. Bypass the back-to-school germs and miss those fall sniffles altogether! 2. Laughter contributes to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels. This results in an improvement in body circulation and a reduction in body inflammation. 3. Laughter provides a GREAT distrac
Creating a Business Plan & Count Me In!
02/09/2015 Duration: 01h08sIn this economy, everyone needs to have a job. Taking care of your kids and your household is worth a million bucks, but unfortunately that is not going to cut it. You have bills to pay, little people to feed and...well, a life to live. It takes time to build a business, and nowadays, sticking it out is half the battle. But enough is enough. You are working hard and you deserve to be paid. If only that were enough. Pulling double duty does not entitle anyone to a salary, but creating a smart and strategic business plan will give you a greater chance of prosperity. Just wait until you hear the valuable insight that will be brought to the show this week! I am honored to have joining us, Nell Merlino, Founder and President of Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence, the leading national not-for-profit provider of resources for women to grow their micro businesses into Million Dollar Enterprises. Nell Merlino is Founder and President of Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence, the leading national not
Empty Nest and Exemplary Versions of Yourself
02/09/2015 Duration: 59minWhat is the ideal you? And how does one become that? This is something you've been hearing me talk a lot about recently: The importance of having a role model... or several. True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people. They affect us because they have touched a part of ourselves that is aching to be stimulated and awakened to its fullest potential. Role models can be real or fictitious. That is right. You have the power to create your ideal and theoretical hero, and you absolutely should. Your hero will advocate for you and your goals. This supreme being takes leadership on the issues that you believe in, handles rejection with grace and integrity, and is a prototype for everything we are creating in ourselves. We often don't recognize our true role models until we have noticed our own personal growth and progress . This week, I am going to tell you about some of my role models and how you can ta
The Importance of a Solid Foundation
25/08/2015 Duration: 01h14sA strong foundation is EVERYTHING. When you can adequately depend upon your mind and your core values--- you KNOW you can handle ANYTHING. So many of us dive into creative business ideas and new projects for the FUN of it... and then realize a little too late that we could have avoided major pitfalls if we had only spent more time establishing that solid foundation. Without concrete construction, you will likely find yourself doing more DAMAGE CONTROL and less fun and creative DETAILING. Strengthen your framework with guided journaling. The bedrock of your your brain. When was the last time you worked out your mind? We often talk about keeping our bodies in shape, eating healthy and staying fit--- but did you know that you can also train your brain to far exceed its initial intellectual potential? No matter your age or current intelligence level, that gray matter in your skull is constantly changing and evolving. Journaling is a gymnasium for your mind! Science has shown us that writing down our t
How to Build an Income with EBAY --and-- Dealing with post-goal depression
18/08/2015 Duration: 01h09sYou've succeeded. Now what? There are stories of climbers who have prepared their entire lives to reach the top of Mount Everest, only to climb down into the darkest depression of their lives. Regardless of the victory, post-goal coping can be tough. This weekend I experienced some post-success blues of my own. Closing an incredible 6 week run of my lifelong dream stage production of JCS has unexpectedly brought me from BLISS to BLAH. Once the exhilaration of crossing that finish line has been experienced, everything else just feels mediocre in comparison. The REAL challenge isn't always REACHING the peak... it's dealing with the post-peak gloom. Depression and the Super-Successful It may be hard to empathize with a wealthy and successful depressed person, but it’s definitely worth trying to understand...especially if wealthy and successful is where YOU intend to be. Some of the most successful people in history have suffered from relentless and incapacitating emotional lows. No one-- no matter how abundan
How to Build Something from Nothing
11/08/2015 Duration: 01h12sGot nothin'? Build something ANYWAY. If you have an idea that lifts you up-- the worst thing you can do is HESITATE. Some of the most successful people in the world started with nothing but an idea. It wasn't the IDEA that was valuable... as much as the passion behind the idea. Just start to take action ...on anything. If your passion is potent, it's all you need to acquire everything else. Research. Raise funds. Seek mentor-ship. Ask questions. Write down ideas. Create a game plan. ACT NOW while you are still excited about your idea.... and move as far FORWARD as you can before the fear creeps in and you begin to talk yourself out of it. Acknowledge the fear and do it anyway. Don't quit, just keep going. You know from experience that there will be a voice that will appear and will attempt to talk you out of it. DON'T YOU DARE LISTEN. Stay on task and keep at it. It won't be easy and you might dwindle, but you'll be a lot better off than you were had you not started. On Today's Show... I will be introducing y