Ally Loprete

How to Think Like a Parent Powerhouse



Parents, you really are SUPER HUMAN! I have to keep reminding you of this because I don't think you QUITE GET IT. It seems every day I am talking with a mom or a dad who is feeling incompetent and insufficient. These same days I see resilient parents problem-solving and thinking creatively to make significant improvements in the world. Either there is a large divide between the exceptional and the inadequate, or there is still a large percentage of you who are still not giving yourself the credit that you deserve. It's all about the MINDSET. Being aware of your own mood is half the battle. Learning to adjust yourself and react in a positive manner is the other half. How self-aware are you? Check yourself against this list: 1. Are you in alignment? When you are in "The Happy Zone" problems won't phase you. Even before a solution completely manifests itself, those who are in balance and harmony are able to surrender and allow situations to unfold with the greatest of ease. On the contrary, when you can't se