Ally Loprete

Turn those What-if Woes into What if Wows



Need to make some quick changes in your life? You already have access to every tool you could ever need to shift your mindset and alter your vibration! Whether you are knee deep in the chaos of day-to-day parenting, in a disagreement with a business partner or just plain stuck in a place of hopelessness... you can turn it all around... RIGHT NOW. Here are a few ways to alter your vibration by first becoming self aware of negative thought patterns: Destroy that Downward Spiral! When you find yourself hyper-focused on something negative, force yourself to do something completely different that will distract your attention away from it. Excessive worry is NEVER productive... because it's not rational or solution-oriented. Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them. Once you have identified the negative thoughts that are not serving you, simply DETACH yourself. (I know. I know. Easier said than done.) Recognize your REACTIONARY thoughts and SQUASH them! "He is being quiet. He MUST be a