Ally Loprete

The Mom(preneur) guide to better time management



Not everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. I admit that it was always a bit irritating to hear an arrogant (and intolerant) business guru insinuate that we all have a CHOICE in how we manage our time. If you are a work-at-home mom, you know that these apparent rules of time do not apply to YOU. If you are a mom with YOUNG children, you may feel like you are living in an alternate universe where 10 hours back on earth translates into a mere 30 minutes on Planet Mom. Yep, finding the time to work in your home business while raising a family might possibly the biggest paradox there is. Not all hours are the same ....and neither are the children. Sure, there may be some children who were born able to happily entertain themselves while you sit behind your laptop. (I personally haven't met any of them, but I hear that they exist SOMEWHERE...) What is more common (and less talked about) is the temper-tantrum throwing toddlers (like my oldest) who wouldn't hear of it. Attempting to work while parenting one of t