Ally Loprete

How to get a Slam Dunk in Self Promotion & Publicity



There is an absolute science to effective publicity and promotion. I've been teaching solopreneurs how to promote and publicize themselves since before the invention of the Internet. A lot has changed. While the digital resources available to us now far exceed what we could do before the digital age, one thing that has not changed is the mental struggle people have to self-promote. Get passed the AWKWARDNESS... Whether you are networking in person or on social media, telling others how great your product or service is might feel a bit like bragging. It also feels like (most of the time) it's falling on deaf ears. You must be missing something. You see others receiving big time results doing all the same things that are bringing you little to no results. The secret? It's not a numbers game. It's a PEOPLE game. When broadcasting your message, don't confuse the ability to cast a wider net with the need to CONNECT and understand WHO is in need of your service in the first place. Call Me Old School, but... It'