Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge



After 20+ years of mentoring women and professionals in business and marketing communications, Deirdre Breakenridge, an author, speaker, professor and consultant, takes to the Internet radio waveslaunching her podcast, Women Worldwide. Interviewed by Breakenridge, women around the globe will share their incredible stories; those who have experienced the heights of success and at times, the agony of defeat. With a vision to impart wisdom and advice on tackling barriers and soaring to new heights, Women Worldwide uncovers different perspectives and approaches to help listeners find their inner strength.After tragic stories of young women being harassed and cyberbullied, seeing how the media portrays women, and women being under represented in media, its time to power up the voices and get more women energized through a caring and supportive network of people who know what it takes to achieve success. These women are not afraid to discuss their challenges or even failure along the way, says Breakenridge.


  • Do You Really Want to Be In a Relationship?

    21/08/2020 Duration: 28min

    If you wanted to be in a relationship, you’d be in one. While that may seem a bit on the nose, for Simone Milasas it’s a fact of life. Think about it. Think of one thing recently that you really wanted, do you have it now? Did you make it happen? Perhaps you don’t really want that relationship right now. Listen in to learn more.  Simone is an international speaker, author, and an acclaimed business and life mentor. She has traveled the world and used her experiences to dig deeper into business, the joys of life, and understanding our relationships.  Imagine writing a book with your ex. Now imagine that you and your ex are no longer together because you realized that you weren’t bringing each other up, not because you weren’t right for each other. That’s exactly what Simone and her ex did. She’s super open about their relationship and the fact that it wasn’t that something was wrong that caused them to break up.  Something just wasn’t right.  This was an amazing conversation about the importance of understandi

  • Why a ‘Bump in the Road’ is a Good Thing!

    14/08/2020 Duration: 24min

    Being diagnosed with any form of cancer is a huge, scary thing, but it doesn’t have to consume your life. Rather than be dragged down by her diagnosis, Pat Wetzel went on a journey to learn more about herself and healing in a holistic way. She founded Cancer Road Trip and has helped develop additional research about the post-treatment aspect of cancer.  Using the power of film and personal story, Cancer Road Trip looks at health, healing, and culture from a global perspective. As it stands right now, our medical system addresses diagnosis and treatment of cancer, but not the psychological, social, physical, or spiritual issues that patients also need to heal.  It was through her own diagnosis of an ‘incurable’ form of cancer that she became an avid researcher of anticancer health and holistic healing. Pat is so open and honest in sharing her story and why traveling was the key to her own health. Her new venture did not come without some bumps and bruises, but that’s all a part of the journey.  Listen as she s

  • How Much Do You Focus on Self-Care?

    07/08/2020 Duration: 24min

    Self-care is more than relaxing baths and pretty smelling bath salts with essential oils. It’s more than our capitalistic society has made it out to be and it honestly costs you nothing to practice. Jennifer Louden is a personal growth pioneer who helped to launch the concept of self-care. Listen as she shares why you need to start making small changes today.  Back in 1992, Jennifer wrote her first book, The Woman’s Comfort Book. It was a bestseller and helped define what it meant for a woman to truly take care of herself. Since then she has written several more books, created women’s retreats and writers’ retreats, and dedicated her life to helping others realize the importance of their own care.  Jennifer says the most important thing to remember is that while a bubble bath and a spa day is nice, self-care starts with that glass of water you skipped, the supplements you forgot, the stretch breaks that never happen. To truly take care of yourself you have to take care of the body you’ve been given. This isn’

  • Have You Discovered Your Superpower?

    31/07/2020 Duration: 29min

    You ARE meant to make an impact. Disagree? Then listen as Sangita Verma chats about why the GiftSuite brand is making an impact FOR you. You see, GiftSuite has taken care of one of the most important pieces of business ownership… employee engagement. That being said, engagement equals so much more than simply asking questions.  Sangita has built several successful businesses in different niches and the underlying factor that has equaled success is employee engagement. Listen as we chat about mindset and belief. What beliefs do you have that are holding you back?  You are not meant to live a life of mediocrity, listen in to learn why! Show Notes: [02:56] Welcome Sangita and learn more about her path to entrepreneurship. [05:16] What is it about her current company that makes her feel proud?  [07:55] Are there traits needed to survive in this post-pandemic world?  [09:54] We are managing emotions in a different way these days. Learn more.  [12:29] Does Sangita tackle or approach obstacles in a certain way?  [1

  • Do You Believe You Can Move Mountains with Your Passion?

    24/07/2020 Duration: 26min

    Every day entrepreneurs all over the world are creating innovative new products, services, and ideas, but can you? Rachael McCrary joins me to share what it takes to be a leader in this time and what it takes to start moving your own mountains. Listen as we chat about serving a need, doing the research, and making sure your team is on the same page with you. Rachael has been in the fashion industry for over 20 years. She has been nurturing relationships with overseas factories and sourcing products for her own businesses and for start-ups that she has helped through consulting. Those relationships made her move into developing PPE and sourcing Covid tests seemed like a natural progression. She’d already dipped her toes into the protective apparel market with RxBra and the move into highly needed PPE seemed like a good fit. This move wouldn’t have been possible without the infrastructure and team she already had in place. Listen as she shares what it took to move into the PPE market and why she was so passiona

  • What Does Your Body Language Communicate to Others?

    17/07/2020 Duration: 27min

    While you may mean to convey one thought or idea, your body language could be detracting from your message. Cara Hale Alter has spent her life studying the ticks and tells that make up normal human body language and how they affect our presentation. Listen as we chat about ways you can use to become more cognizant of your body language and how you can begin to improve your non-verbal communication.  Cara has been working in the field of non-verbal communication for over 20 years and now helps leaders evaluate the physical presence and body language. The way you hold yourself could mean the difference between someone understanding and respecting you or thinking that you are incompetent, even if you’re brilliant. She has made it her mission to help leaders everywhere become more effective with their non-verbal communication whilst boosting their confidence and their energy. She’s also a public speaker and author who provides training to some of the world’s best-known companies. In other words, she knows what sh

  • Naturopathy: The Road to Natural Health

    10/07/2020 Duration: 27min

    Human beings have more bacterial cells in their bodies than human cells. We were designed that way. Which means that we have to take care of the bacteria in our bodies. Tina Anderson is a former trial attorney who moved into the legal department of a family pharmaceutical company and realized that she was meant for more. She realized that she was extremely frustrated by the abuses in the pharmaceutical industry and knew that she needed to learn more about natural health. She has since learned all she can about disease prevention and how our gut is responsible for over 70% of our health.  Tina and her husband have developed a revolutionary formula for a probiotic that does indeed make its way into the gut. The most important thing a probiotic can do! She shares how they reserved the rights to the strains of probiotics that they use in their products and why it’s so important for us to truly consider our gut health. Our healthcare system is great at treating symptoms of problems, but it’s up to us to treat the

  • How Important is it to Develop Your Personal Brand and Style?

    03/07/2020 Duration: 30min

    What you wear and how you present yourself sends a message to the world. Do you know what you’re telling everyone around you? If not, then you may need the help of Alyssa and Tania. Alyssa is a Virtual Presence Coach and headshot photographer and Tania is a personal stylist on a mission to elevate a woman’s style and success.  These two ladies both have a background in the fashion industry, but it wasn’t until they struck out on their own that they found each other. After attending many of the same events and referring their clients back and forth, they decided to start working together.  They now collaborate to bring out a woman’s personality and brand messaging through her style and the art of photography. The differences they see in their clients before working with them and after is truly amazing. It’s common knowledge that you need confidence to sell. These women help you find your confidence.  Listen as they share their stories as well as some amazing advice for female entrepreneurs and C-suite members.

  • Can Mind and Body Therapy Help Your Business?

    26/06/2020 Duration: 25min

    Have you listened to what your body has been saying lately? Heather Nichols is a Joy of Business facilitator, movement and meditation consultant, tantra practitioner, and somatic psychotherapist. She states that our bodies are a treasure trove of information and insight into our lives. Listen in as she shares how you can become better attuned with yours.  Heather shares a bit about her background and the reason she started building her own businesses. She also provides additional information about how your body and mind affect the joy and success of your life and business. Through all of her years in business, she has found that when she is in alignment with her body, mind, and spirit, she finds the most joy and success in her businesses. You are not confined to doing only one thing. You can be active and present in multiple pursuits at once, you just have to learn how to prioritize each day. Listen in as she shares her thoughts and advice about how to better understand your body and what it is telling you. I

  • Gender and Money: What should your role be?

    19/06/2020 Duration: 25min

    Gender roles and money have been fairly set for centuries. Men handle the money and women handle the household. Those roles are changing however but women are still falling behind in taking their place in the handling of their finances. Why is that?  Meredith Moore has long been fascinated by gender roles and money and has been working to change the rhetoric for women. She shares how throughout history, women have been marginalized and even into the early 80s could not open their own bank accounts.  This, along with a lack of education, has kept many women from taking a larger role in the finances of their households and businesses. Listen as Meredith shares ways that women and men can be more involved together with their finances and why it’s so important to build a strong relationship. The information Meredith shares is golden. One of the biggest tragedies is having bright women who are experts in their fields be bowled over by finances when something unexpected happens at home. Whether there’s a parting of

  • How to Share Credible, Meaningful, and More Helpful Resources with Your Community

    12/06/2020 Duration: 12min

    With so many changes happening at a rapid pace in the world, it is incumbent upon us all to be sure that what we share and focus on is not only true but also from a credible source. Which is why I wanted to share with you a few tips for being positive that your communications are as effective as possible. First, sometimes we just have to hit pause. Whether that is for a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days, we need to pause before saying things that can hurt a situation. In that pause, take the time to listen and understand what is going on around you. Then respond once the charged emotions are gone.  Second, is what you’re sharing true? So much information hits the interwebs every day that it’s impossible for platforms to confirm the truth of what is shared. Which means it’s your responsibility to verify the information you share.  You can verify the information you share by simply checking the sources that are cited in the article and confirming that any names mentioned are reputable.  Are you in the ech

  • Finding the Light Out of the Darkness of Domestic Abuse

    05/06/2020 Duration: 27min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* Experiencing abuse at the hands of those who are meant to love and protect you is one of the worst betrayals one can face. After spending her formative years as a victim of childhood domestic abuse, Lisa Braver Moss came out on the other side wondering why there weren’t poignant works discussing the prevalence and harm that it causes.  She never imagined herself as an author, but if the resources weren’t available, she felt she needed to rectify that. Lisa is now an award winning author with a brand new book called Shrug. It is largely autobiographical but still showcases the common links between all those who suffer from abuse.  Given the current state of the world, the number of domestic abuse cases is on the rise, so it’s important to see the signs and know how to respond. N

  • How to Navigate Separation or Divorce in Unsettled Times

    29/05/2020 Duration: 22min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* Divorce isn’t a happy subject no matter when it comes up, but in times like these, it’s even worse. What is already a contentious affair becomes ten-fold worse when the courts are backed up and tensions are high.  No one knows this better than family law attorney Morghan Richardson. She’s worked her way through several different careers and has settled on the personal aspect that is family law. She has fought complex divorce cases and knows the range of emotions and experiences that come out of these situations.  Listen as we discuss women in law, her own personal experience as a divorcee, and why this is one of the worst times for family cases. For so many marriages, having a break from “together time” is essential, and that’s simply not possible right now. Morghan shares her

  • What Does It Mean to Be Fully Conscious in Everything You Do?

    22/05/2020 Duration: 25min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* How do you find happiness after escaping abuse and becoming the sole provider for your child? For Marja Zapusek it took accessing her consciousness and understanding that her reality was shaped by her choices. Despite having a successful corporate career and what appeared to be a happy and stable, normal life, Marja was not happy. After getting out of her relationship, she tried many different modalities, but it wasn’t until she found Access Consciousness that she began to find her happiness.  She is now an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and a corporate mediator. She’s healthy, happy, and building a thriving business that supports her and her daughter.  Listen in as she shares how she reached this place and why taking ownership of your actions is the first step to a

  • Tips for the Remote Workplace

    15/05/2020 Duration: 10min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* Having trouble with your virtual meetings? Whether it be due to the lighting, your designated workspace, your love of pajama bottoms, or lack of a mic, there are a few things that you can do to be sure your meetings are as focused as possible. First, make sure you’ve set up a proper workspace. If you don’t like the background available, choose one in Zoom. Make sure you have a headset and a mic, and if possible be sure the camera is above you with the lighting in front and to the side. You’ll be seen and heard with fewer distractions.  Even if you don’t have a stellar background, you can choose one in Zoom. If you have a dedicated office, make sure that your personality shines through while still remaining professional.  Focus. The most respectful thing you can do for yourself

  • Can Love and Kindness Toward Others Help You on Your Path?

    08/05/2020 Duration: 29min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* When Helen Owens was just 11 years old she started losing her hair. She was sure she was dying but later found out that she has an autoimmune disease called alopecia. When she was scared and being bullied, the “granny” of her neighborhood pulled her aside and changed her life forever.  Granny made wigs and showed a young Helen how to do the same. In that time, at that young age, she knew what she was meant to do with her life. By the time she was 17, Helen was married with two kids and had dropped out of college, but she was not ready to give up her dream.  She worked as a maid to put herself through cosmetology school and as soon as she got her license started working out of her home. Word spread like wildfire about the amazing work she was doing with wigs and her business sta

  • How Communication Helps Your Business Stay Resilient in Tough Times

    01/05/2020 Duration: 24min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* In these times of social distancing and remote work, your communication is more important than ever. This has been a theme throughout our interviews lately because it is so true. But what about when we’re through this time, how will the communication standards that are set now, impact the future. Samantha (Sam) Shattuck is the Director of Marketing for North American Bancard. She oversees the communication and messaging efforts for several different businesses throughout North America, and she’s here to discuss how communication leads to brand resilience. Listen as she shares her journey into the FinTech world and how her own personal brand has evolved as she’s grown more confident in a male dominated industry. How have those lessons impacted her ability to build strong messagi

  • What Would it Take to Make You Pivot?

    24/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* Global impact requires taking huge action. There is no one better suited to sharing her whirlwind journey into entrepreneurship than Tess Kossow, author of I’m Very Ferris. After struggling with infertility and choosing to try In Vitro, Tess realized that the story of where babies come from is being re-written.  She wanted to provide families who have struggled with infertility, who then had their miracle child, with a resource to explain their journey. When her son gets older and asks where babies come from, she wants to be able to tell him his story. Tess was in a steady career and just had her son when she had a now or never moment and took the plunge. She quit her corporate job and went all in on becoming an author. She did the research, built the website, learned the ins

  • Why Effective Communication is More Important Now Than Ever Before

    17/04/2020 Duration: 30min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* Communication is the common thread that connects to each other and the world surrounding us. When global events impact your communication network, it’s important that the leaders in your organization work to communicate effectively and empathetically with the workforce. Tracey Mendelsohn, Co-Principle of Human Impact Solutions and President and CEO of Black Public Relations Society-New York, joins me to chat about the importance of communication in trying times. No matter if you’re facing a global pandemic or some other economic issue, remember that you and your company will be remembered for what you do and not for what you say you’ll do. Tracey shares some wonderful pieces of advice regarding communicating with extreme empathy in trying times.  We briefly touch on the issues

  • Navigating Uncertain Times While Still Moving Forward

    10/04/2020 Duration: 36min

    *We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with recording.* As these crazy times continue, the likelihood that we will know or be acquainted with survivors of Covid 19 gets much higher. Tamar Weinberg, the professional hustler, contracted it, survived it, and is here to chat about what it takes to move past uncertain times.  Tamar has been involved in social media and online marketing since the very beginning. She has navigated all the twists and turns and even wrote a book on it. However her whole life and perspective changed after having her kids. She fought through postpartum depression and all the damage that it causes and found a new path for her life and business.  Her story is truly remarkable. To have gone through so much adversity while still paving her own path and finding success is certainly a tale of shifting and riding through

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