Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

What Does Your Body Language Communicate to Others?



While you may mean to convey one thought or idea, your body language could be detracting from your message. Cara Hale Alter has spent her life studying the ticks and tells that make up normal human body language and how they affect our presentation. Listen as we chat about ways you can use to become more cognizant of your body language and how you can begin to improve your non-verbal communication.  Cara has been working in the field of non-verbal communication for over 20 years and now helps leaders evaluate the physical presence and body language. The way you hold yourself could mean the difference between someone understanding and respecting you or thinking that you are incompetent, even if you’re brilliant. She has made it her mission to help leaders everywhere become more effective with their non-verbal communication whilst boosting their confidence and their energy. She’s also a public speaker and author who provides training to some of the world’s best-known companies. In other words, she knows what sh