Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

What Would it Take to Make You Pivot?



*We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* Global impact requires taking huge action. There is no one better suited to sharing her whirlwind journey into entrepreneurship than Tess Kossow, author of I’m Very Ferris. After struggling with infertility and choosing to try In Vitro, Tess realized that the story of where babies come from is being re-written.  She wanted to provide families who have struggled with infertility, who then had their miracle child, with a resource to explain their journey. When her son gets older and asks where babies come from, she wants to be able to tell him his story. Tess was in a steady career and just had her son when she had a now or never moment and took the plunge. She quit her corporate job and went all in on becoming an author. She did the research, built the website, learned the ins