Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Why Effective Communication is More Important Now Than Ever Before



*We apologize for any issues with sound quality. Due to the ever-changing state of the world because of Covid-19, many of our guests are taking interviews and recording shows outside of their homes which interferes with the recording.* Communication is the common thread that connects to each other and the world surrounding us. When global events impact your communication network, it’s important that the leaders in your organization work to communicate effectively and empathetically with the workforce. Tracey Mendelsohn, Co-Principle of Human Impact Solutions and President and CEO of Black Public Relations Society-New York, joins me to chat about the importance of communication in trying times. No matter if you’re facing a global pandemic or some other economic issue, remember that you and your company will be remembered for what you do and not for what you say you’ll do. Tracey shares some wonderful pieces of advice regarding communicating with extreme empathy in trying times.  We briefly touch on the issues