Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge



After 20+ years of mentoring women and professionals in business and marketing communications, Deirdre Breakenridge, an author, speaker, professor and consultant, takes to the Internet radio waveslaunching her podcast, Women Worldwide. Interviewed by Breakenridge, women around the globe will share their incredible stories; those who have experienced the heights of success and at times, the agony of defeat. With a vision to impart wisdom and advice on tackling barriers and soaring to new heights, Women Worldwide uncovers different perspectives and approaches to help listeners find their inner strength.After tragic stories of young women being harassed and cyberbullied, seeing how the media portrays women, and women being under represented in media, its time to power up the voices and get more women energized through a caring and supportive network of people who know what it takes to achieve success. These women are not afraid to discuss their challenges or even failure along the way, says Breakenridge.


  • Do You Want to Write a Book?

    22/01/2021 Duration: 25min

    Have you ever been told that you need to write a book to cement your authority in your area of expertise? In many ways, the “they” in that question are probably right. But you first have to write and publish a book that has meaning.  This is exactly what Andrea Albright excels in. She started her entrepreneurial journey in the health and fitness industry and has since written 25 books reaching tens of millions worldwide. She is on a mission to help authors find the same success she has by publishing books and making legacies.  She’s joining me to share her journey but also to share why she’s so passionate about the publishing industry and the changes that it needs to make. She’s been in the entrepreneurial game for over 17 years and much of that time she’s been building an empire.  Her goal is for authors to understand what it takes to do the same.  Listen as she shares more about her background and what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. In her latest book, Visionary Boss, she’s explaining what it mea

  • Where Are the “Good Guys” in Business?

    15/01/2021 Duration: 31min

    Increasing equity and inclusion in the workplace begins with the understanding that they’re currently off balance. This realization doesn’t need to happen with those that are currently on the losing end, but instead with those who have the power to make a change.  David Smith and Brad Johnson are both highly invested in bringing awareness to the issues of equity and inclusion for women. After seeing what their own female family members went through while in the military they realized that this was happening everywhere. They have both written extensively on the subject both from the psychological and sociological perspective of how equity and inclusion affects all areas of our lives. Their most recent book, Good Guys, is a great piece discussing where to find allies for women in the workplace. Listen as they share information on the research they’ve done and how it has changed their own perspective on what it means to put in the work. So many men believe in equity, but they don’t do the work to make change. D

  • Do You Have the Drive to Raise Money Today?

    08/01/2021 Duration: 22min

    Raising money for a new venture is never an easy process, but when it’s done right, it’s very rewarding. Sevetri Wilson created and funded her first business at the age of 22 and has been a serial entrepreneur ever since.  Her most recent startup, Resilia, a tech company designed to revolutionize how nonprofits are created and maintained, has now raised over $10M in venture capital and she remains the majority shareholder.  Sevetri shares how she did it and why she thinks it is so important that you have a team behind you. Raising money for a new venture in an unstable economy is certainly not an easy endeavor, but it is possible. Learn major tips from Sevetri and how to best prepare yourself and your team for your next pitch meeting. We had an amazing conversation covering so many different topics related to raising money, building a sound business, and building a healthy team. Sevetri shares it all while also keeping in mind that we are operating in a whole new world. If you’ve been concerned about funding,

  • Three Ways to Help You Step Out of Your Comfort Zone in 2021

    18/12/2020 Duration: 09min

    Building and creating this amazing show started off as an experiment in a new way of learning and reaching a very important community. I loved speaking, but I found through years of being in media that I appreciated being on the radio much more than being in front of the camera.  It was then that I realized that women in podcasting were relatively rare (when I started the show) and I was interested in breaking that mold and providing relevant material to female leaders around the world.  As I thought about launching Women Worldwide, I spent many months diving into research and asking questions of close friends who were also creating podcasts of their own. In so many ways building this podcast and seeing it come to fruition was outside of my comfort zone, but it led me to ask the question, “what’s in my comfort zone?” I sat with that for some time and I realized that as I became more knowledgeable about the process and spent more time with other podcasters, the fear that I had was greatly diminished.  So befor

  • What Makes a Leader Stand Out Today?

    11/12/2020 Duration: 30min

    Diversity, equity, and inclusion has definitely been making an impact, but has it been enough? Daphne Turpin Forbes is an attorney and woman of color who has spent her life advocating for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Listen as she shares her story and why she feels true change starts with our leaders.  Daphne’s grandfather was a judge and she realized that by seeking a career in law she would be able to help people to a huge degree. She pursued her law degree and has been an attorney in-house for several large companies, most notably Microsoft. During her time in corporate law she has made it her mission to mentor and raise up women, specifically women of color.  She is now a member of the Executive Institute of Inclusion and has several courses in their program, and she has also developed her four G’s of leadership. It’s an ever changing flexible framework designed with women in mind. Listen as she shares her framework and why she chose the words she did.  As Daphne says, when one woman pushes p

  • Energized or Exhausted: How Are You Feeling About the New Year?

    04/12/2020 Duration: 27min

    Your power and your energy are your own, but what do you do when they’re running low and you have no clue how to get them back? That’s where Anjli Garg comes in. She’s an attorney and an executive coach helping leaders to soar while also finding their joy. Burnout comes in many forms. For Anjli it happened as she realized that her drive to pursue her dreams was destroying everything else in her life. That was when she understood the necessity of balance in achievement.  She has since dedicated herself to the healing arts and spirituality and has found her balance in a very turbulent world. Now she’s helping others to do the same. But what does that mean exactly?  Listen as Anjli shares her coaching philosophy and framework and why she’s so passionate about moving leaders out of burnout and into the joy of achievement. She is giving out some amazing advice as well as ways to determine whether or not you’ve hit the hard wall of exhaustion or more. Show Notes: [01:14] We’re moving into the new year. How are you

  • Are You Bringing Emotional Intelligence Into the Workplace?

    27/11/2020 Duration: 26min

    Have you been seizing opportunities to sharpen your emotional intelligence while adapting to changes in the workforce? The process of becoming more emotionally aware is not one and done. It’s an ongoing focus on you and your ability to properly process emotions in all situations.  Andrea Hoban has spent more than twenty years in leadership and managing large teams, but what she found was that she was passionate about coaching others. She is now an executive coach who helps professionals learn to harness their emotions and achieve their goals.  She and her business partner founded Oji, a digital platform designed to help us learn skills like emotional intelligence to improve the quality of our lives. Andrea has a ton of knowledge to share and she’s giving it all away on this episode.  Listen in to learn how stress affects your ability to process emotions and why taking care of your essential needs is a requirement in developing a stronger sense of emotional intelligence. Andrea is sharing her stress relief str

  • Is Your Professional Association Empowering You?

    20/11/2020 Duration: 24min

    Not all professional associations are created equal but one thing is universal. For the most part, you get out of them what you put into them. Joel Stern has spent his career as in-house counsel for an insurance company but left to become the CEO of Namwolf, a professional association for women and minority lawyers.  For the majority of his childhood, Joel thought he’d become a physician, but it wasn’t to be so. Instead, he decided to focus on a career in law and found the perfect position right out of law school. But he wasn’t making the impact he knew he was meant to make.  So when the opportunity to create and head Namwolf came along, he jumped on it. He knew that this was his chance to change the lives of so many people. He has spent the last several years building the Namwolf network and helping those in the association to realize their dreams of owning their own practices and building their legal careers. Listen as we chat about the role of professional associations, how you can get more out of yours, a

  • How Are You Innovating in Your Role?

    13/11/2020 Duration: 24min

    Innovation is a key component of growth in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. No one knows this better than Patricia Zilliox, Ph.D. She has spent 25 years in global clinical development in ophthalmology and 30 years at Alcon. Her work has helped further the quest for solutions to degenerative eye diseases in children.  But how did she find herself doing this work? She went to school for pharmacy but her love of research and development helped push her into working with ophthalmology. Listen as she shares more about her history and passion for developing solutions for various eye diseases.  One of Patricia’s biggest roles has been to help secure funding for various projects. She shares her experiences with starting fundraisers and why she hasn’t felt that being a woman in a man’s world has made it harder.  Most important is Patricia’s advice to all women who find themselves in career paths that need innovation or growth. One of the most important skills for all women to develop is confidence. You are in

  • Have You Been Taking Advantage of Video in Your Career?

    06/11/2020 Duration: 26min

    Are you properly using video to tell your brand’s story? No matter if you’re climbing the corporate ladder or building your own corporation, you have a brand and a story. Video is one of the best media to connect with your ideal audience and April Pertuis is helping women everywhere to own it.  April is a former video journalist turned visibility and media specialist. While she was building her 30-year career in journalism, she realized that the stories she loved to tell were the ones that the storyteller often overlooked.  She took that passion and desire and built a business to help women realize their own beautiful stories and why they need to share them. She now works to help her clients and followers become more comfortable on camera. Using live streaming and video helps to quickly build a strong and loyal following, but so many women are scared to be on camera. Listen as she shares some of her best tactics for helping people overcome their fear of camera and ways to build video into your day. She also h

  • Are You Learning, Growing, and Sharing Your Knowledge?

    30/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    Would you consider yourself to be a lifelong learner? Are you constantly seeking to broaden your horizons and delve deeper into your passions? For Ruth Gotian, learning has always been a compulsion. The desire to know more and have a greater understanding of her passions has always driven her. She’s here to share how you can dig deeper into your passions and keep the knowledge train moving. Dr. Ruth Gotian is a Chief Learning Officer and Assistant Professor of Education in Anesthesiology. She has made it her life’s mission to better understand the high achieving mind, and distill their habits into educational materials for adults everywhere. Her work has taken her across the globe to speak on optimizing our success, leadership development, and mentoring.  She is currently in the process of researching the most successful people of our generation in order to learn about their habits and practices to help others optimize their success. But it’s her passion for knowledge that has taken her this far.  Listen as s

  • Let’s Talk About the Power of Words

    23/10/2020 Duration: 31min

    DISCLAIMER: Women Worldwide Note: This interview reflects a discussion with Helio Fred Garcia about his book, Words on Fire. The interview is not intended to be a complete analysis or reflect the express views of the Women Worldwide Network and show sponsors. Rather, we hope our network will digest the information thoroughly and, regardless of political views, raise your voices by casting your vote in the November 3rd election. The words you speak and share have the power to change lives. This is true of everyone but even more so of our leaders and politicians. Helio Fred Garcia has spent his life studying the power of language because of his own experiences as a child. He knows first hand how words can change the world.  Fred came to America as an immigrant with little knowledge of the English language, a hard to pronounce name, and a very heavy accent. He was bullied to the point of terror and worse. But all it took was the help and guidance of one amazing teacher and he learned the language and found his

  • What’s Holding You Back?

    16/10/2020 Duration: 08min

    I recently posed a question to my social media community asking them what was holding them back. It was very interesting to note that while I got a bunch of likes and hearts, there were very few comments.  Now that could mean one of two things. Either everyone is killing it and taking risks and putting themselves out there to learn and grow in life and business. OR it didn’t feel like a safe space to really dig into the things that are holding you back.  If you’ve been experiencing those feelings of doubt and unease, then I have three tips to help you overcome your blocks and barriers.  First, look internally to understand and then scale those barriers. There’s so much noise out there, but that noise is a distraction from the truth of your personal blocks. Look internally and work on your internal voice.  In that same vein, stop being so hard on yourself. When you take risks, you will make mistakes. That’s how you learn and the best way to grow. Allow yourself the grace to take the risk and if you fall, just

  • Are You Able to Turn Difficulties Into Possibilities?

    09/10/2020 Duration: 24min

    How would it feel to look at the difficulties in your life and see them as possibilities for a better future? Susanna Mittermaier is a Pragmatic Psychologist who is focused on helping her patients see challenges as a route to a better tomorrow.  These challenges could be everything from living with depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, etc. to simply not having the coping mechanisms necessary to deal with the noise of the world. She helps doctors, teachers, parents, therapists, social workers, and patients to see their differences as advantages and to empower them to know what they know.  Once you realize that your challenges are a gift and that you have a ton to offer the world, possibilities seem to be everywhere. This is really the basis of Pragmatic Psychology. We are responsible for creating our lives and living them with joy and ease.  Listen as Susanna shares how to move beyond the trauma and leave drama behind so that you can reach a world of endless possibility. She also shares why listening to your bod

  • Ways to Stay Focused, Find Clarity, and Express Yourself

    02/10/2020 Duration: 24min

    It doesn’t matter how prevalent video and images become, words are still the best way to express yourself. Rea Frey has been putting pen to paper and fingers to keys for many years writing and having her work published. She has been published by one of the 5 big publishers and is helping her clients to write and publish books of their own. Rea started writing when she entered a poetry contest and won. It wasn’t until years later when she was experiencing a huge medical trauma that she really dug in and started honing in her craft and her stories. Fast-forward several years later and she began to study the world of publishing and how and why it works the way it does. Since then she’s created courses, published more works, and helped other writers to find their way in the world of publishing. She’s sharing her tips and advice on the best way to start writing and to be sure that you’re viewing your book properly in the grand scheme of things. It is a product to be sold, and you’re the one responsible for selling

  • How Much Do You Know About Aromatherapy and Health?

    25/09/2020 Duration: 27min

    Can aromatherapy really help you fight off environmental diseases, aging, and illness? Yes! According to science and the experiences of many, they really can. Linda Oviatt is a Certified Aromatherapist and author who has spent the last several years studying, learning, and sharing everything about essential oils and their place in our health. Contrary to popular belief, essential oils are everywhere. They’re in the foods we eat, the liquids we drink, and in many of the products we use. But not all essential oils are made equal. Linda is sharing why big box store essential oils are a bastardization of true therapeutic oils and what you can do to better inform yourself. She also gives us a rundown of the three major schools of thought on essential oils and the best way to use them and why it all depends on you and your history. For many, essential oils are thought of when diffused, but you can also gain benefit when the oils are used on your skin or ingested. Linda is truly knowledgeable about all things aroma

  • What Type of Boss Are You?

    18/09/2020 Duration: 27min

    Why is it important to start and engage in difficult conversations? Because without them change is impossible. Nassim Abdi spent 12 years as an educator in topics around diversity and inclusion and the intersections between gender, race, and other identities as they relate to systems of discrimination or disadvantage.  She was later cast in a Netflix-featured film, Secret Ballot, and realized that the Q&A sessions she had were one of her favorite aspects of creating the film. She was engaged and the questions, while difficult, generated amazing conversations.  It was then that she decided to create StoryBolt, a marketplace platform that enables attitude-changing conversations around the topics of Diversity and Inclusion, using the power of documentary storytelling. Stories are what reach into our hearts and demand action. StoryBolt uses storytelling to generate action through discussion and consideration.  Listen as we chat about Nassim’s transition from educator to entrepreneur and why her time in the le

  • Are You Good at Managing Money?

    11/09/2020 Duration: 23min

    For so many women, managing finances is something that they’ve decided they are bad at. What if you were able to switch that mindset and make money a strength? Pam Hopman has spent the last several years helping people to overcome their money mindset blocks and finally feel as if they have the skills and knowledge needed to manage their own finances.  Pam has been dedicated to helping others properly manage their money since helping her sister-in-law find her way after the loss of her husband. She’d never been the one to manage her household’s finances and amidst the grief of loss felt completely overwhelmed. Pam later went on to help other family members to reset after loss as well and realized that she truly enjoyed helping people gain a greater knowledge of their finances. She has since been licensed in several different areas of finance and wealth management and now has a mastermind devoted to helping others gain clarity around their finances, managing their wealth, and beating back the money stories that

  • What Can We Do to Stop Childhood Sexual Abuse?

    04/09/2020 Duration: 29min

    According to rainn.org, every 9 minutes Child Protective Services confirms another instance of childhood sexual abuse. What can we do to stop the pernicious spread of abuse? Patricia Eagle joins me to share her story and ways that you can be the voice for children everywhere.  Patricia was sexually abused by her father from the time she was 4 until she was 14. She tried to tell her mother, but she grew up in a time when the victims of sexual abuse were unlikely to be believed. Instead of receiving help, she was slapped down and told she was a liar.  She has spent her entire life healing, growing, and learning to love herself again. It wasn’t until recent years however, that she wanted to tell her story on a broader stage. She wrote her book to tell her story but to also bring light to the things that we should all be on the lookout for with our children and the young ones in our lives.  So, what can you do to stop childhood sexual abuse? Bring greater awareness to the issue. Voice your concerns when things se

  • Why Storytelling is So Important to Life and Business

    28/08/2020 Duration: 28min

    Creating a compelling and authentic story that is still factual and entertaining is not an easy skill to master. In this era of fake news and inauthentic reporting, it’s important to bring things back to a safe space of truth. Michele Weldon has been an authority in the world of journalism for over 40 years and she’s here to share why storytelling remains an important thread in our lives.  Michele started her writing career at a very young age by publishing her own monthly newspaper for her friends and family. She continued developing her writing chops and in highschool wrote teen stories for the local newspaper. She later went on to study journalism and make her way into the world of reporting. She has since written six non-fiction books with the sixth coming out in September of 2020. Her long and storied career has only been possible because of her desire to create truthful stories with impact.  Her thoughts on journalism today and why layering your writing are extremely thought-provoking, but her views on

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