Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Where Are the “Good Guys” in Business?



Increasing equity and inclusion in the workplace begins with the understanding that they’re currently off balance. This realization doesn’t need to happen with those that are currently on the losing end, but instead with those who have the power to make a change.  David Smith and Brad Johnson are both highly invested in bringing awareness to the issues of equity and inclusion for women. After seeing what their own female family members went through while in the military they realized that this was happening everywhere. They have both written extensively on the subject both from the psychological and sociological perspective of how equity and inclusion affects all areas of our lives. Their most recent book, Good Guys, is a great piece discussing where to find allies for women in the workplace. Listen as they share information on the research they’ve done and how it has changed their own perspective on what it means to put in the work. So many men believe in equity, but they don’t do the work to make change. D