Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

What Can We Do to Stop Childhood Sexual Abuse?



According to rainn.org, every 9 minutes Child Protective Services confirms another instance of childhood sexual abuse. What can we do to stop the pernicious spread of abuse? Patricia Eagle joins me to share her story and ways that you can be the voice for children everywhere.  Patricia was sexually abused by her father from the time she was 4 until she was 14. She tried to tell her mother, but she grew up in a time when the victims of sexual abuse were unlikely to be believed. Instead of receiving help, she was slapped down and told she was a liar.  She has spent her entire life healing, growing, and learning to love herself again. It wasn’t until recent years however, that she wanted to tell her story on a broader stage. She wrote her book to tell her story but to also bring light to the things that we should all be on the lookout for with our children and the young ones in our lives.  So, what can you do to stop childhood sexual abuse? Bring greater awareness to the issue. Voice your concerns when things se