Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Ways to Stay Focused, Find Clarity, and Express Yourself



It doesn’t matter how prevalent video and images become, words are still the best way to express yourself. Rea Frey has been putting pen to paper and fingers to keys for many years writing and having her work published. She has been published by one of the 5 big publishers and is helping her clients to write and publish books of their own. Rea started writing when she entered a poetry contest and won. It wasn’t until years later when she was experiencing a huge medical trauma that she really dug in and started honing in her craft and her stories. Fast-forward several years later and she began to study the world of publishing and how and why it works the way it does. Since then she’s created courses, published more works, and helped other writers to find their way in the world of publishing. She’s sharing her tips and advice on the best way to start writing and to be sure that you’re viewing your book properly in the grand scheme of things. It is a product to be sold, and you’re the one responsible for selling