Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Do You Want to Write a Book?



Have you ever been told that you need to write a book to cement your authority in your area of expertise? In many ways, the “they” in that question are probably right. But you first have to write and publish a book that has meaning.  This is exactly what Andrea Albright excels in. She started her entrepreneurial journey in the health and fitness industry and has since written 25 books reaching tens of millions worldwide. She is on a mission to help authors find the same success she has by publishing books and making legacies.  She’s joining me to share her journey but also to share why she’s so passionate about the publishing industry and the changes that it needs to make. She’s been in the entrepreneurial game for over 17 years and much of that time she’s been building an empire.  Her goal is for authors to understand what it takes to do the same.  Listen as she shares more about her background and what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. In her latest book, Visionary Boss, she’s explaining what it mea