Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Important is it to Develop Your Personal Brand and Style?



What you wear and how you present yourself sends a message to the world. Do you know what you’re telling everyone around you? If not, then you may need the help of Alyssa and Tania. Alyssa is a Virtual Presence Coach and headshot photographer and Tania is a personal stylist on a mission to elevate a woman’s style and success.  These two ladies both have a background in the fashion industry, but it wasn’t until they struck out on their own that they found each other. After attending many of the same events and referring their clients back and forth, they decided to start working together.  They now collaborate to bring out a woman’s personality and brand messaging through her style and the art of photography. The differences they see in their clients before working with them and after is truly amazing. It’s common knowledge that you need confidence to sell. These women help you find your confidence.  Listen as they share their stories as well as some amazing advice for female entrepreneurs and C-suite members.