The host has conversations with his friends, and sometimes guests, about things you'd go on about in day to day life. We focus on politics, current events, society, the human condition, and a wide variety of other topics. We try to keep it entertaining, funny, and thought provoking.
Ep. 056 - Dumb Laws In Colorado ft. Joseph Clark
31/12/2019 Duration: 54minToday we got to welcom back my good buddy Joseph Clark, Joey, Ex-Con to Icon, etc. Hope you enjoy!
Ep. 55 - California's Weirdest Laws, False Accusations, & Daryl Davis
21/11/2019 Duration: 42minHey everyone! Glad to be back on the mic, and I'm glad to be bringing you a new episode. If you're interested in some more ridiculous laws from each state in the Country I have it. Also, discuss some ridiculous behavior from our politicians, and why we should engage with people we disagree with. Hope you enjoy and welcome back. Twitter: @WaxingPoetic17 Facebook: Waxing Poetically About Nothing Also, if you are at all interested in catching one of my streams you can follow me on Mixer, TheALLFather281. Also have a FB page for the channel, The All Father Gaming, or Twitter @TFather281. Catch you at the next one. Intro Music: Shag - Know the Feelin'
Ep. 053 - Changing Regimes
15/04/2019 Duration: 38minWelcome back to another episode of me jabbering on like some sort of armchair expert!! I describe some of the "duh" laws in Alaska. Regime change wars. And MORE!! I hope you enjoy!
Ep. 052 - Don't Tickle Me, and Dumb Laws in Alabama
14/03/2019 Duration: ... if this doesn't work just try searching for "House of Wax" instead.
Ep. 049 - Term Limits Amendment, CRISPR and Spicy Tomatoes, and Mishandling of Taxes
08/01/2019 Duration: 48minWelcome back everyone! Hope you had wonderful holidays. We sure did, but as you can see we are back recording. Today we discussed a plethora of current event topics.
Ep. 048 - New Anti-Corruption Bill, Changing The Past, And The Greatest Beer Run In Military History
15/12/2018 Duration: 01h13minWelcome back peoples!! We have another episode packed full of goodies. A little politics, a little sci-fi about time travel, and of course who doesn't enjoy a good story involving a beer run into a combat zone. We hope you enjoy!
Ep. 047 - Wax On... Wax Off
04/12/2018 Duration: 29minWelcome back everyone. Today we are joined by Joseph as we discuss a myriad of random topics. Nothing to sequential about this episode. J Hope you enjoy.
Ep. 046 - Gobble Gobble!
21/11/2018 Duration: 01h18minWelcome back ladies and gents!! Today is the day before Thanksgiving, which regrettably makes me realize I didn't do a list of what I'm thankful for. Maybe next episode. Anyway today we discuss the ignorance people have to the prevelance of recording in todays society, and what happend to all the coverage of the migrant "apocalypse" that has now reached our borders, as well as all the happenings of their time thus far in Mexico. Thanks for listening, and hope you enjoy!
Ep. 045 - Ambidextrousness, Kavanaugh, and SNL
06/11/2018 Duration: 01h05minWelcome back folks! Thanks for returning for another episode. Today I express my thoughts on a current event pertaining to an SNL bit that missed the mark, being ambidexstrous, as well as our newest Supreme Court Justice. Hope you enjoy. Don't forget to like our FaceBook page at Leave us a rating and a comment on Itunes, or your appropriate podcast outlet. We look forward to any and all feedback.
Ep. 043 - No One is Born Rascist
22/10/2018 Duration: 01h42minGreetings humans! Thanks for returning to listen to another episode of the show. Today I was joined by one of my very good friends Anthony to generally discuss Kaepernicks' kneeling, as well as all the controversy surrounding it. I try to play devils advocate to his standpoints as best as possible, but also was speaking for myself when it came to certain other topics. We also took a few rabbit holes into anime, whether or not homosexuality/transgenderism/pedophilia is a mental disorder, and of course more ultra random thoughts. We hope you enjoy it, and that it sparks some interest in understanding all these issues and where they stand in society.
Ep. 042 - Star Wars... What we got vs. What we wanted.
30/09/2018 Duration: 59minToday I discuss my thoughts, and mostly gripes, about Disney's handling of Star Wars with my good buddy Justin. Hes read many of the books and is much more well versed in the canon than me, so I knew he would relate to some of my reasonings. Hope yall enjoy it.
Ep. 041 - The Pirate Queen
25/09/2018 Duration: 52minHey everyone. This is the 2nd and final episode of the week. Hopefully enough content to hold you over till next week lol. We thank you for listening, and hope you enjoy it.
Ep. 040 - #metoo
23/09/2018 Duration: 01h46minWelcome back everyone. Thanks for your patience with this one. Technical difficulties are a huge bummer from time to time. Today I sat down with two of my friends, Meagen and Mckenzie to discuss our thoughts about the positives and negatives that have come out of this influential movement. Albeit, there is more good that bad by a large portion, I do feel it is worth noting certain negative behaviors that have come about needing consideration. We hope that you enjoy it! A comment and rating on Itunes would be very beneficial if you're feeling generous. It helps out tremendously. As always we welcome any and all feedback. Our contact and social media information will be listed below.
Episode 038 - The Gremlins' New Task Force
20/08/2018 Duration: 01h07minWelcome back people! In this episode we discuss the new task force the Attorney General of the U.S.A. appointed recently. We also discuss the hero of the week, and a new ancient native american city that was discovered in Kansas. Thanks for returning, and we hope you come back for our future episodes. Enjoy!
Ep. 037 - False Memories
07/08/2018 Duration: 42minGlad to have everyone back with us this week for another episode. We go over false memories, as well as our hero of the week. I'll give you a hint... they had a limb amputated resulting in a wooden prosthetic. As always thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy the show. Contact information listed below. Introduction music was graciously given to us by its' creator Shag. Look him up and give him a listen. You won't be disappointed.
Ep. 036 - Life of Adventure
30/07/2018 Duration: 40minWelcome back everyone. Today we discuss a man who lived a life that very few could manage. Explorer, founder, author, and much more. Hope you found his life as fascinating as we did, and that you enjoy the show.