The host has conversations with his friends, and sometimes guests, about things you'd go on about in day to day life. We focus on politics, current events, society, the human condition, and a wide variety of other topics. We try to keep it entertaining, funny, and thought provoking.
Ep. 034 - Momentum
23/07/2018 Duration: 37minWelcome back everyone. Hope you enjoy our new episode. Looking forward to producing more episodes per month now. Looking at 3-4, possibly more if we can get the timing down to a tight clean fit. Intro music is not our, nor do we own the rights to them. SHAG - "I Know the Feeling" is the original owner, and was kind enough to give us permission to use it. Thanks again sir. Keep up the good work.
Ep. 034 - Sticky Thoughts
09/07/2018 Duration: 38min Thanks for joining us. If it's your first time, welcome! If not then welcome back, and thanks for returning. Any and all feedback, or inquiries are welcome.
Ep. 033 - Prison Industrial Comples
01/07/2018 Duration: 01h17minHey everyone, welcome back and thank you for joining us. In this episode we are joined by Mikes' brother Joseph who wanted to share with us whats been keeping him busy in his free time. On top of a job, managing his own business, fundraiser, as well as being a full time student... what is most important to him is the time he's spending with a charity and news program that is trying to reform convicts on their return to society. Helping them adjust back and find jobs to help them improve their lives. He enlightens us with some personal experience in the prison system himself and has a few ideas that he believes will improve it. Links to social media below... We LOVE feedback! Email: Facebook: Twitter: Until next time...
Ep. 032 - We Almost Died
19/06/2018 Duration: 01h52sWelcome back folks! Nothing but new content from here on out!! Whoot! Today's episode is about near death experiences, and their resounding effects on us. Hope you enjoy our ramblings and will join us again on our next one. Promise not to keep you waiting as long. Thanks!!
Ep. 018
04/05/2018 Duration: 46minIf anyone would like to send some new cover art we would not be mad at it lol. We are not savvy enough to create anything much more complicated than what it already is. Thanks if you do, and no worries if you don't. No expectations from this side of the microphone. Our email:
Ep. 031 - What a time to be alive!
01/05/2018 Duration: 41min@waxingpoetic17
Ep. 009 - Easter 2017
26/03/2018 Duration: 58minWelcome back. Hope you enjoy another older show of ours. On this episode we discuss the real meaning of Easter, as well as a bit of of Jiu-Jitsu talk. Thanks again!
Ep. 030 - Life Becomes Pay to Play
06/03/2018 Duration: 31minWelcome back! Today we talk about being comfortable in uncomfortable situations, as well as a few other random bits. Thanks for all the support!!
Ep. 005 -
06/03/2018 Duration: 53minAnother oldy. Last one... this month! HA! Seriously though we appreciate the patience with us. This is a pretty fight heavy beginning. From there we go on to discuss nuclear war, and its fallout. Outrage about comic book characters, and their alleged sexual orientation. Also other things that I don't recall, so you'll have to listen and find out. Thanks again to any and all support. Contact Information: Email: Facebook: Twitter:
Episode: 006 - Fear and Loathing in The Unknown
03/03/2018 Duration: 51minHello Everyone, Another one of our backlogged episodes from months prior. Isn't the first, and it will definitely not be the last. A few topics we delve into is fear and love of the unknown. Personal feelings about paranormal activities. Legality of lane splitting/filtering on motor-cycles. How the worst attributes of society are popularized by the media and Hollywood. We'd like to say thank you for returning, as well as listening. We hope you enjoy!
Ep. 029 - Is It A Conspiracy
28/02/2018 Duration: 01h36minHello all!! We have to admit... this has been the funnest episode we have recorded yet. Hope that translates, and that you enjoy it. Thanks again for supporting us.
Ep. 003 -
05/02/2018 Duration: 51minWelcome back!! In this episode Michael opens us up with some open ended philosophical questions. Obviously the answers would be subjective to each individual, but we answer as honestly as we know how to. Afterwards, we all have an individual throughout history that have had an influence on our species and our interactions with the world around us. A bit of a teaser it involves a very well known viking. Hope you enjoy, and decide to join us for the next one.