Waxing Poetically About Nothing

Ep. 55 - California's Weirdest Laws, False Accusations, & Daryl Davis



Hey everyone!  Glad to be back on the mic, and I'm glad to be bringing you a new episode. If you're interested in some more ridiculous laws from each state in the Country I have it. Also, discuss some ridiculous behavior from our politicians, and why we should engage with people we disagree with. Hope you enjoy and welcome back.  Twitter: @WaxingPoetic17 Facebook: Waxing Poetically About Nothing waxingpoeticallyaboutnothing@gmail.com   Also, if you are at all interested in catching one of my streams you can follow me on Mixer, TheALLFather281. Also have a FB page for the channel, The All Father Gaming, or Twitter @TFather281. Catch you at the next one.  Intro Music: Shag - Know the Feelin'