Waxing Poetically About Nothing

Ep. 043 - No One is Born Rascist



Greetings humans! Thanks for returning to listen to another episode of the show. Today I was joined by one of my very good friends Anthony to generally discuss Kaepernicks' kneeling, as well as all the controversy surrounding it. I try to play devils advocate to his standpoints as best as possible, but also was speaking for myself when it came to certain other topics. We also took a few rabbit holes into anime, whether or not homosexuality/transgenderism/pedophilia is a mental disorder, and of course more ultra random thoughts. We hope you enjoy it, and that it sparks some interest in understanding all these issues and where they stand in society. waxingpoeticallyaboutnothing@gmail.com www.facebook.com/waxingpoetic17 www.twitter.com/waxingpoetic17