Lots of Kids Live Here

Raising goats may be hard work but Jimmy Search loves it.

Surrounded by Food

Melissa Lehman loves living on a farm--the work may not be easy but it can be "sweet."

Living with Pigs

The Eberly sisters help raise pigs on their parents' farm.

Judo Connection

A new series of episodes on the sport of Judo.

A July Bride

In a moment of total panic, Brendan left Alyssa at the altar. What will it take for him to win her back?When Brendan Meyers became a “runaway groom,” Alyssa...

The Jury

Paul Madriani has ample reason to suspect he's representing a guilty man. Dr. David Crone, a respected medical researcher and principal in mapping the human genome, is charged...


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Jude The Obscure

"Jude the Obscure" is the last novel published by Thomas Hardy in 1895. This work is considered a heretic (a copy of the book was burned in public by the bishop of...

Jude The Obscure

The novel tells the story of Jude Fawley, who lives in a village in the southern English region of Wessex who yearns to be a scholar. As a youth, Jude teaches himself Greek and...

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