
Soon, Elusion® will change the world and life as we know it.A new technology called Elusion is sweeping the country. An app, a visor, and a wristband will virtually transport...


Captive's Sound is still standing . . . but a new evil is rising.Nadia saved the town of Captive's Sound from a fiery apocalypse and vanquished the Sorceress Elizabeth . . . or so...

Schweinstein Castle

A family of twentieth-century nobles trying to survive in a medieval castle observed by the castle janitor. Just below the castle, an atomic plant changing the course of little...

How To Heal Toxic Thoughts And Stop Toxic Thinking For Good: 5 Proven Steps To Stop Negative Self-talk, Stop Toxic Thoughts, Stop Self-sabotage And Eliminate Fearful Thoughts

Do you suffer from toxic thoughts that ruin your mood, and create fear, doubt, or anxiety?Do you want to learn how to eradicate these thought patterns so you can break free from...

Taking His Best Shots

Nature photographer John Fielder proves that great pictures are the result of planning resourcefulness skill and hard work.

The Well

In the future people are only allowed two gallons of water per day. Micah saves up one cup of water each day for months until he has collected enough to present his mother with a...

10 Great Dates Before You Say 'i Do'

10 Fun, Innovative Relationship-Building Dates for Seriously Dating and Engaged Couples!10 Great Dates Before You Say "I Do" combines the best of marriage preparation research...

10 Great Dates To Energize Your Marriage: The Best Tips From The Marriage Alive Seminars

10 Great Dates revolutionizes dating by providing you with 10 innovative “Great Dates” based on marriage enriching themes guaranteed to energize your relationship with fun,...

The Second Half Of Marriage: Facing The Eight Challenges Of Every Long-term Marriage [abridged]

This abridged audio download gives a new vision for living the second half of married life and shows how married couples can enrich their marriage so that it will last a lifetime....

Umida E Aperta Solo Per Te

Anna e Giovanni: una passione senza fine.Claudia è lo pseudonimo usato da una autrice di brevi racconti erotici. 

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