The second book in a young middle grade mystery-adventure series about Horace, an anxious Boston Terrier, and Bunwinkle, an exuberant potbellied pig, who team up to solve crimes...
My Weird School SpecialLife is Weird!The weirdest back-to-school story in the history of the world!Plus 32 pages of bonus content!Professor A.J.'s back-to-school...
There is no one left for Mila to trust. Except for a boy she barely knows.With her mother gone, Hunter Lowe is the only person she can turn to for help, the only person who really...
This final book in Debra Driza's exhilarating MILA 2.0 series is perfect for fans of books filled with suspense and imagination, like The Bourne Identity and Legend, and it...
Perfect for fans of Bridge to Terabithia and Walk Two Moons, this debut middle grade novel is the story of two girls and the unforgettable summer in which they learn about true...
A spooky, funny middle grade adventure with a sassy, memorable heroine and a charming Southern feel, perfect for fans of Kate DiCamillo, Kate Messner, and Natalie...
Mila was living with her mother in a small Minnesota town when she discovered she was also living a lie.She was never meant to learn the truth about her identity. She was never...
A harrowing sci-fi thriller about a teen who's survived horrors but lost her memory, for fans of Veronica Roth, Stephen King, and Justin Cronin.Arclight is a bold and...