In this High Victorian detective novel, Dyke Darrel investigates the robbery of the Central Railroad’s midnight express, during which Dyke’s friend Arnold Nicholson, a...
"Theft of the Master" aims to appeal to the reader seeking more from a novel than a good read. This is an intricate web of stories speckled with an assortment of finely described...
This audiobook contains the original text of the Communist Manifesto as written by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels. For any lover of economics or history, this book is a must-read. ...
Despite being the planet’s apex predator we are secretly fearful that terrible things will happen. Our anticipation of the 21st century was delicious, but our mood is desperate...
The Idioms for Kids Everyday Use offers a new fresh look at the idiomatic phrases and sayings that make English a great language. This book includes 100 pages of visual idiom...
What really happens to the "lost children" of this world and what really goes on in the mind of a serial killer. Nemesis links a young psychic girl’s vision to a pedophile...
Educational version of the famous masterpiece The Tempest, by William Shakespeare. Pasquale Vaudo is a dean professor of English language and literature in high schools, and...
"Enter, sir; you are the first to arrive..." When young traveller Hugh Austen, hungry and weather-beaten, seeks refuge in a lonely mansion, he finds himself entwined in the...
After working on a TV segment about an art exhibition opening in Randers, Anne Larsen decides to visit Liv Løkke and her brother. When she arrives at Liv’s address, she sees...
The wealthy businessman Horatio Leavenworth is found dead in his private library with a bullet in his head. Nothing in the house is broken. Nothing is stolen. All signs point to...