In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway. This collection of short stories and vignettes marked Ernest Hemingway's American debut and made him famous. When In Our Time was published in...
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Since its original publication in 1936, Gone With the Wind--winner of the Pulitzer Prize and one of the bestselling novels of all...
Alonzo Fitz and Other Stories by Mark Twain. In this collection, fans of Twain will surely enjoy reading his essays like "On The Decay of the Art of Lying," "About...
The Man Who Could Not Lose by Richard Harding Davies. This is a tale of love and romance that flourished against severe criticism and hurdles. This narrative elucidates a love...
The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot. Drawing on George Eliot's own childhood experiences to craft an unforgettable story of first love, sibling rivalry and regret, Brought...
Excerpt from A Righted Wrong, Vol. 1: A NovelHe had not waited for words in reply to his farewell; she 'could not have spoken them, and he knew it; and while she tried to make...
All children love to be read a story and Pamela Douglas believes that reading to children at an early age encourages a love of books and a desire to learn to read themselves.These...
In Courage to Soar, the official autobiography from US Olympic gymnast Simone Biles, Simone presents the story of how she overcame early childhood challenges to become the most...
In author Melanie Dickerson’s latest fairy-tale retelling, loosely based on Beauty and the Beast, Annabel Chapman is forced to work as an indentured servant at Lord Ranulf’s...
In order to have the meal of her dreams, a cunning fox decides to execute her plan and opens a magnificent beauty parlor in the forest. She licks her chops while she waits for...