Paige Rawl was an ordinary girl.Cheerleader, soccer player, honor roll student. One of the good kids at her middle school.Then, on an unremarkable day, Paige disclosed the one...
Born into a world with only seven days to live, Sim faces the same choice everyone does: how will he spend them? Is there something greater to hope for? A short story from Guys...
If you want more, you have to give less.That's the secret to dating in high school. By giving as little as they expect to get in return, seventeen-year-old Aubrey Housing and her...
What better way to celebrate spring than with a fashion show! Fancy Nancy and Bree create magnificent costumes for their dolls Marabelle and Chiffon to wear at the "Spring Fling"...
Good morning! Today is Jack's eighteenth birthday. Here's what's happened so far—He woke up from a dream about dissecting frogs and measuring the bubbles...
T-Bin has been traveling through space for years to deposit its passengers on a new planet, to give them a new life. But now, mere days from arrival, Tanner can’t shake...
For a young adolescent, David Curry has a lot to contend with. He loves and fears Reuben, his troubled father. His older brother, Ty, is turning into someone David doesn't know...
Narnia ... the land between the lamp-post and the Castle of Cair Paravel, where animals talk, where magical things happen ... and where the adventure begins.Peter, Susan, Edmund,...
After lumbermen cut down his forest, Grizzwold—a large bear of the far North—searches for a new home.
Bear can't wait to go to sleep.But Duck wants to hang out.How will Bear ever fall asleep?