Two orphan siblings with truly terrible luck battle an evil celebrity chef in this uproarious illustrated middle grade romp with the dark humor of A Series of Unfortunate Events...
Ramona's life changes the moment Howie Kemp's mysterious uncle arrives from Saudi Arabia. Howie and his sister, Willa Jean, talk only about Uncle Hobart. Ramona's mother makes...
The Best Year EverThat's what Ramona thought the fourth grade was going to be, but things aren't turning out as she hoped. Sure, she has a new best friend named Daisy. But how can...
For the rest of the world, the movies are entertainment. For Justine, they're real life.The premise was simple: five kids, just living their lives. There'd be a new movie...
"Trouble Twins" Dallas and Florida have been shuffled between foster families and the orphanage all their lives. All they want is a loving place to call home, but they are...
When John and Marta found the boy on the porch, they were curious, naturally, as to why he was there—and they hadn't expected him to stay, not at first, but he did stay, day...
Paddington Bear had traveled all the way from Darkest Peru when the Brown family first met him on Paddington Station. Since then their lives have never been quite the same ... for...
Dear Reader,If you have just picked up this audio, then it is not too late to put it back down. Like the previous books in A Series of Unfortunate Events, there is nothing to be...
Dear Listener,The word carnivorous means meat eating and this carnivorous volume contains such a distressing story that consuming any of its contents would be far more...
Dear Listener,This audio is the only one which describes every last detail of the Baudelaire children's miserable stay at Heimlich Hospital, which makes it one of the most...