Following Atticus is the remarkable true story of a man and a dog embarking on the challenge of a lifetime. This is author Tom Ryan’s inspiring tale of how he and his...
Published to commemorate its 75th anniversary, The World Is Round brings back into print the classic story created by Gertrude Stein and Clement Hurd.Written in her unique prose...
Alex & Me is the remarkable true story of an extraordinary relationship between psychologist Irene M. Pepperberg and Alex, an African Grey parrot who proved scientists and...
Weight loss is a common goal shared by thousands of people all across the globe. You are certainly not alone in this. Yet, everyone is looking for a ‘quick fix’ or a one size...
A new, healthier life doesn’t start with a program. It starts with an emotional commitment to becoming your best self. That’s right. A new, healthier life is your...
If you love to cook and you love making homemade chocolate and you eventually want to open your own small business making homemade chocolate being creative and finding fun ways to...
Are you constantly concerned with making a positive and healthy change in your eating habits? Are you trying to lose weight, burn fat and gain muscle? If the answer is yes, then...
Fast Metabolism and Weight Loss: The Complete Guide to Discovering the Secrets of Fast Metabolism and Weight Loss, Learn to Transform Your Metabolism Into A Fat Burning...
Effective Weight Loss Strategies Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Fast Metabolism and Weight Loss and Low-Carb Diet SolutionWith the advances in technology and medicine that our world has...
Design your home to optimize your healthy lifestyle with this room-by-room guide from certified kitchen designer and wellness design consultant Jamie Gold. Residential designer...