Unsweetened Sio



I have struggled with sugar addiction for most of my life and finally found my path to freedom by giving up all sugar and all flour on January 13, 2018. I never thought I would be free from the misery of addiction and am so grateful to be where I am now. This podcast is about my personal journey and transformation from sugar addict to freedom and what my life looks like day-to-day as I continue to live the sweet life without sugar. I talk about challenges and victories and hope to inspire others that are struggling with sugar addiction to find their own path to freedom.


  • 72 - The Addiction Chronicles: Judy Wolfe, Food Addiction Counselor

    28/10/2020 Duration: 46min

    In today's episode I interview Judy Wolfe about her own personal story of sugar addiction and how she is helping others.  Judy is a Certified Food Addiction Counselor and SUGAR Certified/Licensed. She has been in Food Addiction Recovery for 30 years and free from grains, sugar, starches, and alcohol for over 15. Judy’s passion and commitment to the field of Food Addiction come both from her professional studies and her personal success in keeping over 125 pounds off of her body for more than 15 years. Judy has helped hundreds of individuals in the US and abroad understand not only the nature of Food Addiction, but also, and more importantly, the way to recovery from it. Whether underweight or obese, pregnant, or post-weight-loss surgery, these individuals have benefited from Judy’s practical, no-nonsense, and action-oriented approach. Judy is also active in developing literature to raise awareness of Food Addiction for health care professionals and the general public and is an active member of the Food A

  • 71 - Recap of My 10th Month Going Sugar-Free

    21/10/2020 Duration: 51min

    In today's episode I recap what month 10 looked like for me going sugar and flour free in 2018 by reading entries from the daily journal I kept my first year.  

  • 70 - Life After Addiction With Florence Christophers

    14/10/2020 Duration: 47min

    In today's episode I talk with Florence Christophers and we discuss the continuation of the healing journey that comes after abstinence.  Florence is the Founder and Co-host of kicksugarsummit.com.  Florence is a recovered sugar addict (words she never thought she would say.) Her journey to freedom started in her twenties and ended in a moment of insight about how to kick sugar without willpower.  Today she knows that kicking sugar does not need to be a long drawn out power struggle.  There is a better way!  A fast track to freedom that she teachers in her "3 Weeks to Sugar Freedom" online course.  This approach comes out of the drug and alcohol recovery field and works like a charm for all addictions, including sugar.  Today Florence is a certified health coach and a sugar addiction recovery specialist.  She is on a mission to help men and women break up with sugar and never look back.  Goodbye sugar, hello happiness.  For more information, you can visit her

  • 69 - The Addiction Chronicles: Anna Fruehling, Primal Health Coach

    07/10/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    In today's episode,  I interview Anna Fruehling, who shares her own powerful personal story about overcoming addiction and talks about how she helps other do the same.  Anna is Primal Health Certified, KETO/Carnivore Certified, and SUGAR Certified/licensed. She considers herself a hope coach and believes everyone should live well, now! She is a recovering addict with 31 years clean, as well as quite some time off of sugar/grains/flour/starches/processed food products. Anna coaches food addicts into recovery and has helped clients who have suffered severe consequences of food addiction, such as severe metabolic syndrome, early-stage Alzheimers, morbid obesity, and depression.  She always works with her client's physician.  She is currently developing a community for sugar/food addicts with four other SUGAR certified/licensed professionals. This community will be a subscription-based model, where people can gather for CARE: Community, Action steps, Resources, and Education to help with

  • 68 - Recap of My 9th Month Going Sugar-Free

    30/09/2020 Duration: 47min

    In today's episode I recap what month 9 looked like for me going sugar and flour free in 2018 by reading from the daily journal I kept. 

  • 67 - Bitten Jonsson and SUGAR

    23/09/2020 Duration: 46min

    In today's episode I am thrilled to welcome Bitten Jonsson again and this time she talks to us about SUGAR, her evaluation method based on ICD 10 criteria for addiction to a psychoactive substance. SUGAR is aimed at helping an individual know if they are addicted or have harmful use of sugar/flour and receive a overview of how the illness has progressed over their lifetime. Bitten is a Registered Nurse and Addiction and Relapse Prevention Specialist.  Bitten is a forerunner in the sugar addiction field in Sweden and is currently translating her book, "Sugarbomb" into English.  She is also on the Board of Directors of the Food Addiction Institute and a faculty member of INFACT.  She is one of several experts answering questions on Diet Doctor.  She has developed a Holistic Addiction Medicine and SUGAR protocol and is now training and educating the new generation of Sugar Addiction Counselors.  She is also my personal hero for all the wonderful work she is doing to help others get free!

  • 66 - Breaking Free From Food Addiction with Kay Sheppard

    16/09/2020 Duration: 46min

    In today's episode, I interview Kay Sheppard.  Kay is the bestselling author of Food Addiction: The Body Knows. Since its publication in 1989, the book has become a primary resource for food addicts, bulimics, and compulsive eaters. She is also the author of From the First Bite: A Complete Guide to Recovery from Food Addiction and Food Addiction: Healing Day by Day. Sheppard is a licensed mental health counselor who conducts five-day intensive stabilization programs, weekend workshops and retreats for food addicts worldwide. She is an internationally known speaker on the subject of food addiction recovery.  Kay maintains an active online presence in her Facebook support groups, Breaking Free from Food Addiction and The Kay Sheppard Club. She is a past board member of Counselor Magazine and charter member of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals. Since beginning her own recovery in 1967, she has helped thousands of people live happy and healthy lives by following her compreh

  • 65 - Food Addiction with Dr. Joan Ifland

    09/09/2020 Duration: 56min

    In today's Season 3 premiere,  I interview Dr. Joan Ifland, PhD, MBA, FACN.  Dr. Ifland has been creating breakthroughs in recovery from food addiction starting in 1999, with her first popular book, to 2018 when her textbook, Processed Food Addiction: Foundations, Assessment, and Recovery was published by CRC Press. She is currently at work on evidence-based trainings for health professionals.  Dr. Ifland is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition. She earned her PhD in addictive nutrition at Union Institute and University (2010); her MBA at Stanford Business School (1978) and her BA in Economics and Political Science at Oberlin College (1974). She was selected by the Oprah Winfrey Network as the food addiction specialist on the Book of John Gray. She has innovated in online services such as The Addiction Reset Community (ARC) in 2016, www.foodaddictionreset.com. She has also founded sites which provide free services including the Facebook group, ‘Food Addiction Education’ (2014) and

  • 64 - Recap of My 8th Month Going Sugar-Free

    26/08/2020 Duration: 42min

    In today's episode I recap what month 8 looked like for me going sugar and flour free in 2018 by reading from my daily journal I kept. If you are interested in my 12 week coaching program to start in January 2021, email me at siobhan@unsweetenedsio.com.

  • 63 - Recap of My 7th Month Going Sugar-Free

    29/07/2020 Duration: 54min

    In today's episode I recap what month 7 looked like for me going sugar and flour free in 2018 by reading from my daily journal I kept. If you are interested in my 12 week coaching program to start in January 2021, email me at siobhan@unsweetenedsio.com.

  • 62 - Recap of My 6th Month Going Sugar-Free

    24/06/2020 Duration: 44min

    In today's episode I read from my journal about the challenges and victories of my 6th month going sugar-free back in June/July 2018.

  • 61 - The Addiction Chronicles: Susan Miller "3 Months"

    10/06/2020 Duration: 54min

    In today's season 2 finale I talk with Susan Miller who is now sugar and flour free for 3 months!  We talk about her journey and her plans for the summer.   I also talk about plans for Season 3 of the podcast and about the 12 week coaching program I am creating.  If you are interested in joining my coaching waitlist, please email me at siobhan@unsweetenedsio.com.  Have a great summer everyone!

  • 60 - Bright Line Eating with Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD

    03/06/2020 Duration: 47min

    In today's episode I talk with Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD.  Susan is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester, a New York Times bestselling author, and an expert in the psychology of eating. She is President of the Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss and CEO of Bright Line Eating Solutions, a company dedicated to helping people achieve long-term, sustainable weight loss. She and her team are on a mission to help 1 million people get to goal weight by 2030. Her program utilizes cutting-edge research to explain how the brain blocks weight loss, and every day she teaches people how to undo that damage so they can live Happy, Thin, and Free. Bright Line Eating website: https://brightlineeating.com/ Susan Peirce Thompson website: https://susanpeircethompson.com/ Bright Line Eating Book: https://www.amazon.com/Bright-Line-Eating-Science-Living/dp/1536656062 Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode and were inspired in some way, I would love t

  • 59 - Recap of My 5th Month Going Sugar-Free

    27/05/2020 Duration: 46min

    In today's episode I read from journal about the challenges and victories of my 5th month going sugar-free back in May 2018.

  • 58 - The Addiction Chronicles: Aimee Anderson, Health and Life Coach

    20/05/2020 Duration: 56min

    In today's episode I interview Aimee Anderson, a certified health and life coach, licensed sports nutritionist and certified personal trainer.  Aimee is a professional baker turned health coach, who kicked her own sugar addiction and is now helping others to do the same.  She likes to say she went from sugar dealer to sugar healer!  She also now co-hosts the Kick Sugar Summit with Florence Christophers.  Click on her website for more information and to contact her if you are interested in working with her one-on-one or via group coaching.   Aimee's website: https://aimeeanderson.com/

  • 57 - The Addiction Chronicles: Susan Miller "2 + Months"

    13/05/2020 Duration: 49min

    In today's episode I check back in with Susan Miller to talk about where she is in her journey and her current challenges.  

  • 56 - Getting Help For Your Sugar Addiction

    06/05/2020 Duration: 45min

    In today's episode I give you resources for helping you overcome your sugar addiction along with tips from my own experience.  Visit my website at wwww.unsweetenedsio.com and visit the Resources tab for more information. 

  • 55 - Recap of My 4th Month Going Sugar-Free

    29/04/2020 Duration: 46min

    In today's episode I talk about what my 4th month of going sugar and flour free looked and felt like.  I read directly from my journal entries from that time and it can be hard for me remembering what those days and struggles felt like but I hope sharing with you helps you along on your journey.

  • 54 - Coronavirus and More

    22/04/2020 Duration: 55min

    In today's episode I talk about my techniques for surviving the Coronavirus quarantine and the challenges I have.  I also talk about what I have been up to lately and what I typically eat in a day. Resources: The Tapping Solution - try the app! Rocky Mountain Soap Co - lemongrass bath bombs! Emotion Code Podcast with Crystal What I Typically Eat Podcast - Episode 3

  • 53 - The Addiction Chronicles: Susan Miller "6 Weeks"

    15/04/2020 Duration: 40min

    In today's episode I check back in with Susan who is now 6 weeks sugar and flour free and see how her journey is going.  

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